RE: The Cost of Creativity VS Freedom to Flourish
You tagged me, and what a pleasant surprise it was! Although I hadn’t reached out to you, I would occasionally visit your blog. I also came across comments from others asking about your absence from the platform and expressing concern for your well-being. It’s truly a relief to know that you’re safe and sound.
And as event-horizon pointed out, no one can force you to adhere to certain confinements except, perhaps, basic user etiquette or netiquette. So, why worry too much about it?
I’m not fully aware of what happened with your son, but I sincerely hope it hasn’t discouraged him from writing altogether. I hope he’s still expressing himself somewhere, writing his heart out.
As for my blog, where o1eh tagged you in the comments, yes, I was deeply reflecting and questioning why certain things were happening. There is a lot of context behind it. I had participated in a challenge and somehow felt wronged by the voting percentages and, at times, the lack of recognition, even after receiving the highest scores from the teachers. It really put me off, not because votes matter much, but because the percentages and their frequency sometimes seemed to reflect bias. But you know what? I have made peace with it. I will keep writing as long as it gives me something, somewhere, someone, or something to relate to, express to, and connect with.
So my advice to you: "You do you". As you advised your son.
Welcome back and keep popping now and then :)
We will read you!