Staying Motivated In Your Work [Part 1]
One of the major reasons why people do not perform as required in their work is because they lack the necessary motivation to keep them going in the work. It is true that you may not be in your desired place of work, but you should also hold the one you have well while you hope for a better one. As such, you should give your best towards your work and you will see the amazing results that can come out even from that work that you least desire. Any work you find yourself in, as long as it does not involve illegalities, then you have to put in your best towards it. Here are some points to keep you motivated to keep giving your work the best of you.

1. Look at the bright side of the work
When you look at what future the work holds for you, you will have the motivation to put in your best. Apart from that, there are other bright sides that you can focus on the work. For example, the work may grant you the rare privilege to meet people of timber and calibre, or the work may give you the opportunity to learn new things and develop your capacity and increase your knowledge, etc. No matter how your work or job is, there is always a positive side that you can focus on to keep you motivated.
The truth is that if you know how many people are willing to take your position in your work, you will learn to take it seriously and give it all it takes. It is weird to see people do all manner of things and sacrifice a lot just to get a job, and when they finally get it, they will not take it seriously, because they have forgotten what it took them to get it. Even if you are looking for another work, it is not an enough reason not to give your best to the present one you have. It is surprising to know that some of the problems that people have at work are not about the work itself but their commitment to the work.
2. Make a list of what to achieve
More often than not, when someone does not list their goals or what they want to achieve, there will be no motivation to take actions towards it. When you wake up in the morning, it will be a good practice to make a schedule of your duties for the day and what your goals are, in relation to your work. This will help motivate you to actions. You will be surprised that there are people that have lost motivation simply because they do not have dreams about their work. Set dreams; where you want to see yourself in about 2 years time, know what to do to get there, then put actions towards it.

With the right goal and a list of what you want to achieve, you will not lack motivation. As a matter of fact, your goal should serve as an enough motivation for you to keep taking up actions. Just know that you can succeed at the same work that you are doing presently, you only need a different approach towards it. If you are an apprentice tailor for example, you can make a dream of having your own fashion shop, then you will start the actions towards it from where you are - you will put in extensive work towards your present work, so as to learn the nitty-gritty of the fashion industry.
3. Be happy and celebrate your little successes
At each point that you achieve a success, even if it is just a micro dream that you actualized, try to celebrate it and be happy with yourself and see it as a milestone achievement. The little "wins" that you celebrate has a way of positively influencing your mindset towards putting in more actions. If you celebrate one step that you have taken, it will give you the zeal to take a giant stride.
It is important to note that there is no achievement that it too small to be celebrated. Obviously, what someone may call "small" may be a milestone achievement for someone else, so learn to celebrate all. More so, when you see yourself as achiever, you will not back down nor stop giving yourself a push towards greater heights.
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