Be Careful Of What You Cannot Get Back

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 days ago

There are things that, when done, you may not have the opportunity to undo them. As a matter of fact, it is not everything that can be corrected once they are done. This is why you need to be careful about what you do, and beware not to put yourself in a position where you have done what you should not have, and cannot go back to edit it. Here, we shall be taking a look at what to be careful of - what you cannot get back. When you know these things, you will be careful of how you live.


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The first one is the word you say. Just to let you know; words are not just empty sounds, they carry unimaginable power in them. I have seen where a few words spoken, changed the course of someone's life forever - both negatively and positively alike. In fact, some people have experienced something unnormal simply because of the utterances that they make. Your words are like stones; when you throw a stone at something, you cannot rush before it hits the target to get it back or to stop it from hitting the target. I remember a humorous case I saw that buttressed this point. Many years ago, we were playing around the compound and then the other kids started throwing stones.

I tried to stop them but they continued, so I just excused myself and stood at a corner. Then one of the kids took a stone and without looking, he throw the stone, maybe jokenly, but as we watch, the stone went straight to the pot of soup that his elder sister was cooking by the side of the house. It entered the soup and the oil splashed on her. He was later disciplined for it. Now the point was that, when he threw the stone, we watched it making its way to the pot, including him, but no one could do anything about it. We just held our mouth open and watched as it made its way to the soup, and could not recall it. This happens when you speak - the words hit their target and you may not be able to take them back.

What else you need to be careful of is time. Everyone has an equal hour in a day, but not everyone use time effectively. To let you know, once a time passes, then it is gone and you cannot go back in time to redeem the lost time. When you need to do something or take a step and you refuse to do it, then you are wasting time; and a lost time is gone. Nothing wastes time and destroys opportunity like procrastination. Doing something after it is meant to have been done may invalidate the potential result that you should have gotten from doing it. Time is among the resources that should be handled with care, because if it passes, then that moment is gone.


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When you see time as a very valuable resource, you will invest it with a clear understanding of what you want to get from it. It is not the abundance of the time that you have that matters, but how you have utilized them appropriately. Time is constantly ticking and will not wait for you to take actions. There should be a time allocated to everything that you need to do, which you need to stick with. A deviation in that time might mean a dilution of the weight of the action. A lot of people do not know that time itself is an opportunity, but it is dependent on how you have made use of it.

The last point that we will look at here is "first impression." When you have made a first impression, you can neither erase it nor get a second opportunity to make another first impression. This is why you have to take caution to make the first impression to count. When you create a first impression, it is almost indelible, as it sticks for a very long time. A lot of people will judge you by the first action you took in their presence. This is why you should not he caught off-guard in your actions. When acting or taking steps, always know that it will matter tomorrow, so be cautious with it.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all