Just Another Basement Painting to Inspire Discussion
Just One Oligarch Please, to Get the Ball Rolling 2025. Acrylic on cardboard, 11 x 14"
There are approximately 2,800 billionaires on the planet. As of November, 2024, 3,708 Palestinian children under the age of 5 have been murdered by Israel. This painting and its title is a thought experiment.
I’ll begin.
The carbon footprint caused by the latter group was nil, probably equal to that of raccoons and reindeer living normal lives. The footprint of the former... Perhaps as much as all of Spain, including its limited wildlife and tourist invasion.
That discussio did not start. Dangerous topic? Everyone tiptoeing? I doubt the billionaires care. We saw tgat with the rich Greek families able to save Greece from bankruptcy.
I wonder if an art comment contest would work: Guess the meaning of and how the artist felt.
After the deadline you tell the title +...
A shock or wakeup call?
A great weekend!
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0.09 SP
I guess I put the juxtaposition up in the post to show the psychological impact power has over the populace. Not only are human beings specie-centric, not caring to waste all life on earth as long as we can choose from 63 brands of cereal on the supermarket shelf, but we also have a very weak sense of justice when it comes to condemning those of our own species (oligarchs) who exemplify by their very lives the gross over-use of the earth’s resources. Weak for now, but the times are changing.
The extreme rich are guilty of the highest crimes to life on earth, and will pay for it with their freedom. So, whether they care or not now, does not matter to me. They soon will. And they will have a quick fall. There are 266 million people for every billionaire fouling the planet. Once the scales of justice tip, the oligarchs will have to spend all of their time and money for protection. That won’t last.
A child in Gaza is more valuable to me (and all of life) than Elon Musk, simply because of her innocence and inability to become so horrible. I believe most of the 266 million will feel the same in their lifetimes. Quicker if those shelves of 63 brands of cereal disappear.
I like your idea about the comment contest. I think I’ll try that soon:)
Thank you, and a wonderful weekend to you too!