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RE: ⚠️ "The Priest and The Contest-Monkey" - Another Privileged Scammer?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I read a quote from an evolutionary biologist the other day. Unfortunately, I don't remember it exactly, and I don't remember who said it, but it definitely resonated. It was something like,

Every successful system accumulates parasites.

I wonder what we could learn from evolutionary biology about fending off parasites and incubating symbiosis.

 2 years ago (edited)

That makes me wonder how many unsuccessful ecosystems were unable to fend off the parasites - when the tipping point happened where the parasites multiplied quicker than the non-parasites 🤔


!ask What determines whether an invasive species will overwhelm an ecosystem?

The ability of the invasive species to adapt to the existing conditions of the ecosystem and its relative competitive advantage over native species are two major factors that can determine whether an invasive species will overwhelm an ecosystem. Other factors that can influence an invasive species’ success include how the species is introduced, its reproductive rate, and the presence of natural predators. Invasive species can also take advantage of disturbances in an ecosystem, such as changes in climate or land use, to expand their range and outcompete native species.

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 2 years ago 

"Every successful system accumulates parasites."

Now I am in the know too. Brilliant.