Because humanity is so cruel ...
Because humanity is so cruel ...

Humanity is the child that they disobey and insists on continuing to do something very dangerous despite the warnings of our mother nature, this year more than ever we have seen how obvious the consequences are, such as wearing a mask or muzzle as it says here , is a direct consequence of the ambition of men.

The people who make decisions there in Argentina have other interests, basically money at the cost of a potential outbreak of some disease and it spreads in America, I remind you that China wants to have pig farms outside its country because those that are within its territory They are infected, this was the reason why they slaughtered 180 million pigs just this year, burying the living because there are too many to slaughter one by one, I wonder what will happen when this happens in Argentina, China will also buy from the pigs buried, do not believe it and as if our mother was already seeing us with the "! flip flop" in hand despite everything we've been through, everything we've complained about this year we refuse to end the problem. with factory farms.

He recently gave us another incentive, mink or mink farms are the perfect place to mutate all viruses, so that vaccines that are currently developing as quickly as possible by various pharmaceutical companies may not be effective when they are ready to be distributed. , that means more pandemic; And all because in countries such as Denmark, Holland, Poland, Sweden, Finland and Ireland, mink farms are allowed, for the pure pleasure that rich people use the fur of an animal as clothing, to project status, we already know that they are rich, they are able to buy the most expensive things even if they are as unnecessary as a mink fur coat we understand, stop doing it, they look like brains.

Of the 1400 infectious diseases that exist, 61 percent can be spread between humans and other animals, they are called sonotic, the Covid virus is no exception, in fact, according to some sources, its origin was in bats before moving on to humans and as soon as it began to spread around the world, cases began to be reported in animals including dogs and cats, also big cats such as tigers and lions from the zoo in New York that were exposed to a sick employee and had respiratory problems , and the minks it seems that it will not be the exemption, I am already investigating more about this problem and I will bring them to you in the next publication.