My painting- Do plants make your mood better?

in WORLD OF XPILAR16 days ago (edited)

Hey guys! Welcome to another one of my posts. I hope you are having a good day. I am writing this post about a drawing I made today. It was almost dinner time, and I was feeling bored. I wanted to do something, but I also wanted to be productive. Then I got an idea. I had recently bought some watercolors, and I wanted to use them. I thought that this would be a good opportunity. I sat down, ready to create a masterpiece, but then I realized I didn’t know what to paint! I started thinking and looking around the room until I saw it—the plant sitting in the corner of my desk. It was almost like it was calling to me! I immediately got started on making the best plant the world has ever seen. It took some time, around 30 minutes or so, but I was done. It wasn’t the best thing ever, but it was, hands down, the best painting I have ever made.

Here is the plant.

And here is the painting.

The painting is done, but let me tell you how I got this plant. A few weeks ago, maybe two or three, my parents went out of town to run some errands. When they were going to the store, they found a plant nursery and decided to take a look. They got some roses and other plants, and then they found some indoor plants, including this one right here. They only bought a few because they wanted to check if the plants lasted.

Let me just show you all the plants they got.

They put all the plants in their places, and I asked them if one of the plants could go in my room and they agreed! Just when I thought it was over, I remembered, one problem remained—the pots were covered in dirt and didn’t look too good. My parents thought of an idea. They decided to cover the pots with some rope sitting in the store, so my parents and I got started. We covered the first few in the same way, but we decided that some of them should be different from the others. We painted some of the yarn blue and some of it black until all the pots were done!(Click here to see my mother’s post about this.) The only one left is my plant. We didn’t cover the outdoor plants; we just painted them red. We also got these ball-type plants that just had leaves on them, and they were my favorite. Some people even believe that plants brighten our mood, but I’m not sure if that’s true. I also wanted to keep a plant so I could be more responsible, but apparently, these plants can go up to one month without water! Not really that big of a responsibility, if I do say so myself. Anyway, I think this plant adds a lot more to my room, even though it’s not really that big. It just adds something, but I don’t know how to explain it—let me just show you.

I know it doesn’t look like much, but I really like it. I’d recommend you get an indoor plant just to see if you feel the same! Well, I guess this is the end of my little diary entry. Bye!


Plants definitely improve the mood, but also the air... And you can talk to them (better than to some people; they never talk back ;-))

Hello! I agree, talking to plants is definitely better than talking to some people. Maybe not if they talked back, who knows what they would say to us 😂.

I also think plants improve our mood but I just wanted to confirm. Thank you for being the first commenter on my post 😊

Is that a snake plant in your room? I'm also not sure how their presence affects me, but yeah, they are a pleasant sight. 🙂

Have you seen my self-watering plants?

Hello! That is indeed, a snake plant, i’m surprised you noticed.

I haven’t seen your self watering plants but I would love to some day! Maybe I could come with mama some day? Just a thought😅

You are always welcome. 😀