The Steem News @ 1 August 2024 : Community Curators for August

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago

Steemit Inc has announced the new Community Curator teams for August.

A Proposal to use the DAO to buy and burn STEEM is being discussed.

Today's Steem News also includes news and updates about inGAN, Soulbound Tokens, Multisig, a Showcase Interview, free Electronics Components, Meetups in Venezuela, Nigeria, Indonesia & South Korea, and Contests on Steem...

1. Community Curators for August

Steemit has announced the Community Curators for August.

Twenty teams applied and seven teams were selected.

The new format of teams of three has been continued, but also for the first time one solo curator has been selected - @irawandedy from Indonesia.

The team of @stef1, @sduttaskitchen and @fjjrg has been allocated the @steemcurator03 account with 1.2M SP...

2. DAO Watch

The discussion about the idea to use SBDs from the Steem DAO to buy and burn STEEM continues.

@jondoe has made a post about the idea to kickstart the discussion...

Witness @joviansummer (@jswit) has posted an alternative view on the proposal...

@the-gorilla's project for improving is currently the only proposal funded through the Steem DAO...

Pennsif the Witness

After almost 2000 days on Steem I decided it was time to take my contribution to the platform to the next level.

I have therefore set up as a Steem witness... @pennsif.witness

If anyone would like to support what I already do, and what I am planning to do, by giving one of their 30 witness votes to @pennsif.witness I would be hugely grateful.

You can read my full witness announcement here...

@pennsif.witness is now at #19. Thank you to everyone who has voted to help get to this position.

3. Developer Updates

Witness developer @etainclub continues his work on building inGAN - an AI-free community where only humans can join...

@etainclub has also created the first Soulbound token on STEEM...

Soulbound tokens are non-transferable blockchain-based digital assets tied to a specific wallet address, designed to represent an individual's identity, achievements, or traits in the Web3 ecosystem. [from Claude AI]

The Pennsif Witness development team have made their Multisig system fully open source.

Developer @rexthetech has posted details...

4. Showcase Interview with @bellana

@ubongudofot continues with his Showcase interviews, this time talking with @bellana, a Venezuelan blogger currently living in Argentina...

@ubongudofot is also currently offering free component packs to encourage people to participate in the electronics lessons being run each week as part of the Engagement Challenge...

5. Meetup Diary

There are currently 4 known Steem Meetups planned around the world...

10 August - Venezuela

14 September - Nigeria

15 September - Indonesia

5 & 6 October - South Korea

If anyone knows of any other Meetups being planned anywhere in the world please post in the Comments.

6. Contests on Steem

@disconnect continues to publish his comprehensive daily list of current contests on Steem.

There are 119 contests in the latest list with over 850 STEEM in prizes...

KEY DATA [ from CoinMarketCap ]

STEEM price US$ 0.18 02 Aug '24 1.03am
CoinMarketCap Ranking #389 02 Aug '24 1.03am
SBD price US$ 2.62 02 Aug '24 1.03am
Unique visitors ( 152,798 / day 02 Aug '24 1.03am
Page views ( 227,103 / day 02 Aug '24 1.03am

This is #538 (01 Aug '24) of this news service.

[ graphics by @pennsif ]

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the Spanish translation of Steem News.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the Urdu translation of Steem News.

This post has been translated into Indonesian Berita Steem Terbaru @ 1 Agustus 2024: Kurator Komunitas untuk Agustus

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the Indonesian translation of Steem News.

Sam You're welcome

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the Hindi translation of Steem News.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for so tirelessly being the keeper of the News for all this time! Oh, and glad to see that your witness has made it into the top 20.

 8 months ago (edited)

Its been a long time - I think I started Steem News back in 2017/18 around the time of the big lay-off.

 8 months ago 

many interesting news! thank you so much.

 8 months ago 

Keep the new ideas coming !

Thank you for compiling the latest news in one article. It is easy to access everything here and get updated. Well done sir!👍🏻

 8 months ago 

Glad you find it useful.

Thank you very much for the update

congratulations for

@pennsif.witness is now at #19. 🙋‍♂️