A Few Days of My Life

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


You may remember that I previously published WORLD OF XPILAR Community Blogosphere Magazine. I would like to return to this work, but I can not. The preparation of the magazine takes a lot of time, most of which goes to reading other people's posts. Therefore, the publication of the journal is postponed again.

The war has changed our lives and so far nothing can return to normal.

By the way, at the top you can see a picture of my daughter :)


When the war broke out, my first task at work was to make anti-tank hedgehogs. I don't know how to translate it into English, but it looks like this:



Then I, together with the territorial defense fighters, guarded our chemical plants. Now I am involved in the manufacture of plates for body armor. My task is to inspect all the stocks in our warehouses and identify the remnants of titanium sheets. Then transport these sheets of titanium to the place of manufacture of plates for body armor.

Titanium is a corrosion-resistant metal. Therefore, it is widely used in the chemical industry. I found a lot of titanium sheets in our warehouses. As of today, we have used up all our supplies and stopped producing the plates.


Nowadays, most people ignore air alarms and do not go down to the shelter. I do the same, although I'm not proud of it. However, on Friday, I was assigned 10 workers and had the task of doing the necessary restoration work at the bomb shelter.


Most of this work had to be done earlier, but better late than never. That's why we have established such indicators:


We also cleaned the bomb shelter of foreign objects, brought a few bottles of water, a microwave oven, a first aid kit, and restored firefighting equipment.


We also brought old tables and chairs to the bomb shelter so that people could sit and even do some work.


In general, I am satisfied with the result. Today, about 300 people had the opportunity to evaluate our work during the next air alarm.


Despite the fact that I supplied material for the production of plates for body armor, from time to time I went around all our factories, checking for any interference. During one such tour, I finally discovered a sabotage and reconnaissance group that consisted of five wonderful puppies.

I couldn't leave them hungry there, so I called the local animal shelter. I wanted someone to come, catch them and take them to the shelter. A lady from the shelter told me that I must have watched Discovery too much, that they had no one to come for the animals, and if I wanted to save them, I had to catch them myself and bring them to the shelter.

Well, it turned out that the liquidation of this sabotage and reconnaissance group fell to me. I vigorously undertook this mission. First I found a cage where I could put the members of the group, then I started hunting. It turned out that the fighters of the sabotage and reconnaissance group were very well trained, apparently it was special forces. For the first 40 minutes I was able to catch only 2 puppies. I had to call for help.


When help arrived, we set out on a hunt. Another hour and we caught the whole group.


After work, we can now often see the following picture:


Or like this:


But this is only in some retail chains. In most stores you can buy everything you need.

My daughter, seeing the empty shelves in the store, asked, "What is this?" She had never seen such a thing before. I saw this when I was 5 years old. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, shops were completely empty, and when goods were imported, endless queues formed.

Meanwhile, fewer and fewer refugees are coming to our region. If earlier in my city 250-300 refugees a day were registered, now 60-80. At the moment, they are provided with the most necessary things thanks to caring people from Ukraine and around the world.

Thank you all for your help. Together to victory!


Hi @o1eh thank you for taking time and sharing with us your daily work. I can imagine that you have no mood and time for anything else. In such situation the priorities are different and the rest seems to be so worthless. There is a war and that everyone understand. Please do not feel obligate to do any "jobs" for our community, you main Priority to stay alive for your family and your country. We all pray for those who remained in the country, your are real Heroes and please take care of your self. The drawing of your daughter is very cute :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you, you speak like a true friend :) In the first days of the war, despite the fact that there was no fighting in our region, we were all in such shock that no one could do their business. Even at work, people didn't work, they just watched the news. We couldn't believe that something like this was happening.

People who had military training immediately went to the military enlistment office. The rest began to self-organize and support the army in any available way.

Now we understand that the war is going on in our country. Many felt it directly. People are adapting to new realities as best they can.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the Ukrainian people and for your campaign to raise funds. Any trouble is easier to endure, knowing that someone in the world supports you.

Dear @o1eh, I congratulate you for not stopping writing even in these situations. The only silver lining right now is that your area is safe. My wish is that your country will be completely safe as soon as possible.

 3 years ago 

Thank you, I hope your wish will come true as soon as possible :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you for updating us on your current daily life. I´m happy to hear that your area is still safe. I hope this nightmare is over soon and that your country can be recovered.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for always being with the Ukrainian people. Despite our hopes, the preconditions for peace are still not visible. However, it is possible that this war will soon be less intense.

Can you hold out? Today I visited a client who has just turned 89. She has very vivid memories of "the war", which she had to experience consciously as a child. Now she is afraid...

Haltet Ihr durch? Ich war heute bei einer Kundin, die gerade 89 Jahre alt geworden ist. Sie hat sehr plastische Erinnerungen an "den Krieg", den sie als Kind bewußt erleben mußte. Jetzt hat sie Angst...

 3 years ago 

I still have nothing to complain about, but in the eyes of those people who come to us, you can read the indescribable pain and horror.

Grazie per la tua testimonianza. Siamo tutti molto vicino al tuo popolo e preghiamo perchè finisca presto questo delirio

 3 years ago 

Thank you, prayer is the greatest strength.

@o1eh It is difficult to think about working and at the same time you must keep your mind busy, your daughter is an artist with a noble heart, beautiful drawing, she only transmits what she feels, so many animals are suffering, hoping that they will soon find peace and praying for you.

Greetings and blessings.

 3 years ago 

Thank you, I will pass your compliment to my daughter :) She will be happy.