🎮 Deadlock - New VALVE game 🎮

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone and welcome to another gaming post! This time with another game, Deadlock. A MOBA game type created by Valve, which is currently in Alpha stage and can be played by invite only. I am lucky that @ady-was-here received one from somebody and then invited me. I've been playing this for a pretty long time now and decided that it deserves a post.

All the characters available at the time of the post. Some of them can only be played in a Play Mode named Hero Labs available between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM and Sandbox.



The map has 4 lanes: the outer 2 have a 1v1 setup while the inner 2 have players playing 2v2. To get on the lane you have a type of zipline but you can also walk, don't know why you would do that though. After about 300 seconds from the game start, you can also use a boost skill which also gives some movement speed for the duration of the skill.

Map overview

Just like in League of Legends, we also have "jungle" type monsters across the map. They come in 3 different combinations: easy to beat one that are in group of 3 and close to the lane, medium ones and large ones which can kill you in early game.

A medium monster camp

This is how the enemy boss, or heart looks like in the first stage. After you beat this version, it transforms and looks different, pretty ugly.

Enemy boss version 1

Final version of the enemy boss

To play a game you have to select a minimum of 3 heroes. I got McGinnis and Dynamo on normal priority and Wraith on the highest one since it's been my main one for the last month or two. She uses a Thomson as the weapon and an emphasis on rate of fire. The gun damage is pretty low on it's own, but her skills boosts it.


If you want to watch the full gameplay, you can do so below on my YouTube Channel:

Her first skill is Card Trick. The cards are summoned after dealing damage by weapon or melee. With the correct build, you can spam the heck out of them by late game as they reload almost instantly. You can have a maximum of 4 cards available and can use them on enemies, towers and monster camps.


The second skill is Project Mind, very useful when you need to get out of sticky situations, enemy skills and teleport to a safer distance. When fully upgraded, the distance is pretty significant.


The third, perhaps the most important and useful skill she has is Full Auto. This boosts the fire rate for a short while and also buffs the allies nearby. When imbued by different items, it proves to be a pretty massive boost and melts the enemies.


Her last one, which acts as an ultimate is Telekinesis which got a bit of an update from the earlier version. While before, it just lifted the enemy, now it will also slam them into the ground stunning them, silence and disarm. When fully maxed, it also does the same to nearby enemies, proving to be really useful in team fights in combination with her Full Auto.


It was a pretty fun game and we managed to win it. While I didn't excel in any area this game, I still enjoyed it.


As you can see, we absolutely destroyed the enemy team and were pretty far ahead in farm and kills.

After playing this hero for so much time, I can say that some key takeaways are:

  • she has low damage output in the early game
  • significant damage potential with the right item build
  • effective crowd control with her ultimate
  • reliant on item progression to reach full potential

Overall, I really enjoy playing this even if I rage sometimes at my team. Hopefully they will soon stop changing everything every other day, making it difficult to stay on top of builds and meta.

Let me know in the comments if you need an invite to the game and we can sort it out.

Until next time, see you on the battlefield! ⚔️

Note: All the images and GIFs used in this post were created from my Gameplay

PC Stats
Recording Software: nVidia Shadowplay
Recording Resolution: 1440p 60fps
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X
GPU: RTX 3080
MOBO: ROG Strix X570-F Gaming
RAM: 32 GB DDR4 @3600MHz

no, didn't know about him. Will check him out