🎮Are You Ready or Not? - The ultimate SWAT experience🎮

Ready or Not is an intense, tactical, first-person shooter that depicts a modern-day world in which SWAT police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations. - Taken from official Steam Page!
You can get it from Steam Ready or Not, currently at a discounted price of only 29,99€.
The reviews are Very Positive according to Steam players, which we know it's not that easy to get.

I've heard of this game at the end of 2021 when it came out in an Alpha state and saw some youtubers playing it. After 2 years in this stage, the game was fully released at the end of 2023 and it peaked my interest. It's made by VOID Interactive and many consider it the successor of SWAT 4.
The action is set in Los Sueños, a city based of Los Angeles, that is under the influence of cartels, gang wars, drugs and a lot of issues plaguing this part of America.
The game is "split" in 4 modes: campaign with 2 modes, practice and multiplayer.

Game modes

Quick Play description

Commander Mode description
For Commander Mode, you can also enable something called Ironman Mode which basically makes everything 10 times harder. This means that if you don't shoot first, you become a new name on the stations wall.

The modding community for this game is pretty big, with mods varying from character customization, weapons, weapon sounds to maps, difficulty and AI improvement. Haven't tried any mods yet but will probably use something for the AI in the next missions.
I am playing it solo on the "normal" Commander Mode, with 4 not so smart AI as teammates, split in two teams: blue and red. You can control the teams individually or both of them at the same time via a on screen menu, using the mouse wheel and TAB key. There is also a type of quick command. If you look at a door, you can press "Z" and have them "stack up" or "move and clear".
The AI status can also be seen in the bottom right side:

There is also a morality and mental state mechanic involved, as the AI teammates can be affected by your actions or decisions. Which is a bonus in my opinion and alters the way you play this game.
For the customization part, you get a pretty big selection of weapons: 19 ARs, 13 SMGs and 6 Shotguns as primary and 10 pistols as sidearm. Each weapon can be have different attachments: optic, muzzle, underbarrel and overbarrel.

Available guns

Available attachments
Also, the character customization is pretty complex, with different uniform items that can help with the number of slots available for ammunition and deployables.

Pressing and holding TAB brings up a tablet like device where you can see the mission brief, roster and the map.

I've been playing for about 6 months on and off and a couple of days ago I decided to start it from the beginning, and well recorded a mission gameplay.
I am playing the 4th mission, The Spider, which is plays from the action of the second mission, 23 Megabytes a Second. The goal, as with every mission, is to Bring Order to Chaos by arresting or neutralizing the suspects, Rescue All of the Civilians and Apprehend George Brixley, in this case.
The big boys intercept some intel from an unknown source and the team is sent to do the dirty work.
My loadout for this mission is: MK16 with laser, G19 with laser, heavy armor.
The mission starts close to the target building which you can access via the front door or through a yard, which is the way I chose.

This was also the place where I encounter the first enemy, but luckily he surrenders.

First enemy encounter

I managed to flashbang the whole team 🤦♂️
The mission took a lot longer than needed as I couldn't find the last civilian to rescue. He was on the main street behind some fruit stands.
I don't want to spoil too much. You can check the full gameplay below:
This is it for this gameplay session. See you next time!
If you enjoyed this post or have any feedback, tips or tricks, let me know in the comments below.
Level up your day, keep gaming and stay awesome! See you next checkpoint! 🎮
Note: All the images and GIFs used in this post were created from my Gameplay.
PC Stats |
Recording Software: nVidia Shadowplay |
Recording Resolution: 1440p 60fps |
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X |
GPU: RTX 3080 |
MOBO: ROG Strix X570-F Gaming |
RAM: 32 GB DDR4 @3600MHz |