Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #6 / Homemade meal
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

New challenge on steem!!!
Weekly food photo #6
Homemade meal
Hello my dear!
it's time to announce last week's winners and kick off the next round of the week's challenge.
Let me introduce you a winner of the week #4! This is @mamamasha
Reward - 5 Steem
My congratulations!
Honestly, I don't really like this photo... but powerful friends voted for the participant. What is Democracy? That's right, these are powerful friends with big money)))
I would ask you all again. I had an idea to identify the most unpleasant photo of food and give a consolation prize for it. What do you think about this?!

The next one is my favorit

Below is a gallery of participants who will receive 1 STEEM each

I have a question for you. We stated that this is a food photography contest. Take a look at the photo below. Can we regard everything in the photo as food? Can we eat a girl too?

The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo
It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!

We need sponsors!
I,m asking for support to @steemitblog, @seo-boss, @stephenkendal
A special thanks for support to @xpilar!
Please support new challenge!
That,s all for today!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
Very excellent welcome to my page
Thank you very much, @mister-omortson, and congratulations to the winners. I tend to make my homemade meals as simple as possible these days. Despite everything, they always reminds me of something…
Can you guess what is it?
Que divertido plato me hizo sonreir @lighteye
What a fun dish made me smile @lighteye
How creative! 😆
Very cute indeed, I missed googlyeyes though. This is so fun and creative. Good luck @lighteye :D and Have a Nice Day! cheers, ainie
Мой Свин Безухов. В глубине души он сосиска в тесте ;-) Собственноручно куплен. Но

съеден кем-то из детей.
Я за глубину души!))
A spectacular one, @soroka74 :)))
Que divertido @soroka74
Lindo cerdito
El aroma del pernil navideño único en nuestra mesa @javima
Claro mi querida @sacra97 y con tu pan de jamón. Casi montada nuestra mesa de navidad.
Looks absolutely delicious, @javima :)
Thank you @lighteye. That's a Christmas hind leg, my Christmas recipe.
And you always show a lot of creativity in your dishes.
Congratulations to the winners, I read several great proposals. Homemade meals have a high value, housewives are the best cooks. They could add the normal prizes as they have been doing and to motivate the last two to those with the lowest votes. @mister-omortson
Congratulations to the winners, @germani34, @iamhaslemere, @josevas217, @lighteye, @ainie.kashif, @haidermehdi, @mamamasha
Felicitaciones a los ganadores, leo varias propuestas estupendas. Lo de las comidas caseras tienen alto valor las amas de casa son las mejores cocineras. Podrian agregar los premios normales como vienen haciendo y para motivar los dos ultimos a los que tienen más baja votación.
Pan de jamón plato típico de la navidad en Venezuela
THanks @sacra97
muchisimas gracias!
Hummm... Ya huele a diciembre.
Aroma de Navidad mi querida @sacra97. Delicioso no puede faltar en la mesa de navidad.
Lo máximo el año pasado compre dos grandotes
Hi @sacra97, this looks so delicious, Good Luck! and Have a Nice Day, cheers, ainie
Thanks for the support and visit @ainie.kashif
Hi everyone
Congratulations to the winners
This is my entry: Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #6 / Homemade meal
Arroz con carne molida y vegetales.
This is my entry: Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #6 / Homemade meal
Hola se que algún día ganare ja ja ja saludos a todos y felicitaciones a los ganadores.
Les diré como se llama este menú: arroz blanco con medallones de criadillas de toro.
~Arroz con huevo sancochado y frijolitos germinados~

😂 So funny about "eating a girl". Lol. I've to recognize that Asian chiks are pretty.😊 I'm serious from my female point of view. 😁
Regarding to the idea, that sounds good. I think I saw a contest where the less or last voted person was the winner. Unusual one, but pretty interesting. Just ask to @sacra97. She participated over there. 😉
Yes hahahah, the answer to @mister-omortson question is 'No' you cannot eat a girl hhahahah. Oh he's so funny. :D Have a Nice Day @alegnita, cheers, ainie
Thanks Ainie, same to you. Every week it's more interesting. 👍🏼
Interesante concurso... Me uno con una imagen personal, almorzando en casa con mi familia...