Photo of the week #128 | contest post | On the stairs
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

p r e s e n t s
Photo of the week #128
Dear photo lovers
We're sure there's some kind of stair or ladder somewhere near you. Why don't you take a picture of it and share it with us?
The theme of the week might look like this:

like this:

So... theme of next week is On the stairs in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the On the stairs will take priority
Аnd... as usually, the most expressive and original photographs win!
We got the opportunity to nominate the posts of the winners for the vote from booming
The post must meet the following conditions:
- Selected posts should contain the tag #steemexclusive, meaning their content should not be posted on any other platform except for
- Selected posts should be written by users with a status of club5050, club75, or club100.
There will be problems with the nomination if:
- Post creator uses upvote bots for posts in your community
- Post contains plagiarised or abusive content
Well am-m-m... now, let's pick the winners. what did we get last week? The result can be described as "quantity would become quality"
Тhank you for your participation!
Congratulations to @silviadiez, who got most upvote ($0.03)
Prize is 1 Steem!

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits.
The first one is... is... is... @boddhisattva
This is exactly what we wanted to see in this round
Prize is 1.5 Steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
If the parameters are met, a participant's post can be nominated for booming

Silver is going to @bambuka
1.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
If the parameters are met, a participant's post can be nominated for booming

Bronze is going to @leylar
1 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
If the parameters are met, a participant's post can be nominated for booming

The winners will receive a community @worldofxpilar upvote! Post must be created on WORLD OF XPILAR community
0.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
Could be nominated for Booming

0.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
Could be nominated for Booming

The participants listed below receive HM+trail upvote of @Xpilar:
All specified participants, subject to the stated conditions, can be nominated for Booming
That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(
Competition start on 30 of April and ends on 7 of May (payout time)
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo

Sponsors! We need your HELP!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
hi, this is my entry to the contest
En el colegio recordando viejos tiempos. 28 escalones.
At school recording old times. 28 steps
Me encanta
Agradecida, me encanta mi colegio y han pasado muchos años que salí de allí. @javima
Bonito recuerdo...
Gracias, si mi escuela era muy especial para mi, el mejor lugar del mundo.
Prom Queen – The Citadel
Exactly the Queen
Amazing pic!
Thanks, @manuelgil64
Here is my entry: in the autumn park. (More pictures in the post).
I urgently need this man with a ladder!
or maybe this ladder without a man ?
There is a ladder. I need a complete set :)
I need to go up to the drain of the house on the roof, and I'm afraid that such a ladder will break under me. 😂
The house has 2 floors.
My friend is smaller than me in size. We will try to fix the problem this weekend.
I understand now. Friend to have is always a win!
Here is my entry
At grandfather's house!
Que hermosa
Gracias amiga!!
Hermosa imagen!
Muchas gracias @manuelgil64!
Спасибо за приз!
Поздравляю всех победителей!
Для нового этапа фотография Испанской лестницы в Риме 2 мая 2013г. Шикарные азалии, отличная погода, толпы радостных улыбающихся людей - очень запомнилось.
click here to see a bigger version of it
Я таки знаю эту лестницу!
:) Понравилось там?
Я не люблю толпу, но там приятная атмосфера была при всё при этом.
Вам довелось там быть?
Зимой было мало людей, а мы сплавляись по реке летом, 12 июня... Рыбаки на берегу ругались, что рыбачить им не дают. людей было море.
А на другой день по тропе прогулялись и до пещеры дошли. Почти никого не было.
Друг со своей будущей женой потом через пару лет отдыхал в парке, там к тому времени домики для туристов построили.
Ээээ.... Речь всё ещё про Рим? Кажется не туда ответ запостили? :)
Таки да. :) не туда. :)
Я в Риме был зимой, в Рождество. Хотелось бы еще побывать.
Hi @mister-omortson
Here is my contribution to the contest
Good luck to everybody!
Here we go )
Hermosa fotografía
Saludos! ;)
Photo of the week #128
Yo en las gradas del Estadio Monumental Simón Bolívar de Caracas.
Guao, buen juego y guapísima subiendo los escalones
Felicidades a los ganadores
Saludos amigos
Buena foto!
Gracias amiga por tu apoyo
Lindísima imagen @javima
Gracias mi querida @sacra97 por tu apoyo,visita y palabras.Eres un 🌟