Blitz contest -Guess the movie- round XLII
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Blitz contest -Guess the movie-
Hello my dear!
I continue to publish a series of posts with simple puzzles.
The last round was marked by the most powerful brainstorming of the participants. The XLI round rebus was hacked immediately after publication.
The undisputed winner of the round XLI - expert MChandra
Prize - 5 $teeM
This all was not enough for the participants and they mercilessly dealt with the rebus of round XXXV.
Yes, it really is the film 'Unlucky'
The undisputed winner of the round XXXV - our new participant @lllll1ll
To be honest @rucoin was first who named movie of the XXXV, but it was second attempt
I would give him a prize too
Prize - 2 $teeM
For active participation, seniora @sacra97 receive a prize 1 $teeM
Our congratulations.
Today's rebus is very simply as usual :-)
The contest is valid until the encrypted film is announced.
The prizes for next round:
1st place - 5 steem
2nd place - 2 steem
3rd place - 1 steem
I would to remind you the puzzles from round XXXII, round XXXIV remains unsolved!
1st place - 5 steem
round XXXIV

round XXXII

It's very easy! Solve the puzzle and take the prize!
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post!
- Only one attempt per participant

Stand by

Sincerely yours

A bit late on this one :)
Это "Дневник Бриджит Джонс"
Для начала выполняем условия участия
Необходимо проголосовать за пост и сделать resteem
Это само по себе кажется загадками @may2015
Eto samo po sebe kazhetsya zagadkami
Greetings, it seems to me that the movie is Bridget Jones's Diary because of the peculiar bunny costume she wore to the party, the sweater she gave Mark at Christmas with picturesque figures and he wore to please her even though he was always in a suit and coat and the shocking blue potato and pore soup he prepared, well, and how to forget Bridget's panties hahahahaha. Very good series
Agradecida con el premio @mister-omortson. Felicitaciones @lllll1ll y @rucoin muy eficientes sus aportes. Muy de acuerdo con @betop es el diario de Bridget Jones. El traje de conejita. La sopa que preparó y salio de color azul por un hilo azul que le cayo en ella. El sueter navideño de reno.
Grateful with the award @mister-omortson. Congratulations @lllll1ll and @rucoin for their very efficient contributions. Strongly agree with @betop is Bridget Jones's diary. The bunny costume. The soup that he prepared and came out blue because of a blue thread that fell into it. The reindeer Christmas sweater.
Thanks @sacra97 Bridget Jones's Diary are romantic movies with a fun plot.
Hola @señor-omortson saludos, el arcetijo que describen con las imágenes trata de las películas del diario de Bridget Jones, la sopa y amarra con el hijo y está se pone azul, el traje de conejita es cuando se va al fiesta y se equivoca porque pensó que era de disfrase.
John Wick 3: Parabellum
Shoot, I’m too late😅
И так трусы, суп, нитки, самый сложный из всех ребус
Без трусов никак
Этот фильм в основном популярен у женского пола, так что нормально, что вам сложно @rucoin.
Совершенно верно, это хорошо известно среди женщин @artmom
Sovershenno verno, eto khorosho izvestno sredi zhenshchin
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Hola @mister-omortson está es mi primera vez participando, la película es el Diario de Brídget
Jones.Una película de comedia romántica.
Es una joven divertida ,con la idea de bajar de peso,dejar de fumar y conseguir novio que decide escribir sobre ella.
Todas las pistas son de la primera película Bridget y Mark se encuentra en la celebración de navidad de la familia de Mark dónde lucen estos swater,con el hilo azul ata unos ajoporros para realizar una sopa de este la cual tiene todo de azul, el traje de conejito de play boy ella y la tía se confunden con la temática de la fiesta de disfraces y escucharon de chicas malas o p...,
Es una película muy buena