Blitz contest -Guess the movie- round XXXII
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

Blitz contest -Guess the movie-
Hello my dear!
After a short break, I decided to resume the movie solving game. To my delight, none of the participants could guess the film from the last round.
Today I offer you a very simple puzzle in which a modern film (made recently) is encrypted.
I want to give you a hint. The heroes of the films from the last rounds have the same initials, and they are always sticking his nose in someone else's business.
The contest is valid until the encrypted film is announced.
The prizes for next round:
1st place - 5 steem
2nd place - 2 steem
3rd place - 1 steem
I would to remind you the puzzles from round VI and round XXXII remains unsolved!
1st place - 3 steem
round VI

round XXXII

It's very easy! Solve the puzzle and take the prize!
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post!
- Only one attempt per participant

We need sponsors!
And... we need some steem for prizes
Please support this contest!
Stand by

Sincerely yours

Es ex-men apocalipsis coincido con @enderk
Oh muy triste no haber acertado @señor-omortson seguiré intentando en otras rondas😉
Не понимаю, что ты написала(
Esta pelicila es X-Men Apocalipsis sin duda. Comienza en las piramides de Egipto una de sus seguidores convertía la gente en cenizas con su poder pero se mostraba la calabera antes de morir, cada ves que encontraba alguen con dondes especiales usaban un ritual para cambiar de cuerpo, reunió 7 seguidores que conforman los 7 caballos de la muerte y por ultimo las botas son de quicksilver el ex-men mas rapido cuando se enfrentaron los ex-men junto a magneto en contra de apocalipsis.
Вообще не понял чего ты пишешь, брат
Отряд самоубийц (фильм, 2016)
Ты опять мимо, брат))))
А я не удивлен это нормально
I could be totally wrong, but I would like to go with the Sherlock series
I was thinking the same!! But it mentioned movie so still trying to make some more sense of these clues.
To be thinking is not enough for getting the prize)
Yeeep, bullseye 🎯 shot
Regresamos, yupi hay que avisar rapidito @mchandra, @adityageorge, @rucoin, @jhayss y @daakye. Concurso Blitz-Adivina la película- Ronda XXXII. @mister-omortson
Tenet ? :D
Не понимайт по венесуэльски(
Is it "last cab to Darwin"?

That one is solved