Childrens laughter reminds us how we used to be


Running, jumping, dancing and singing. The order may vary, but I can witness it all every day. From time to time, these activities are briefly interrupted so the actors are able to take a deep breath. Or they want to laugh out loud again without showing any concern about the things that are going on around them.

There is nothing better than laughing about the fun you're having. But also about your own mishaps, which always happen and can probably never be avoided. Of course, we tend to comment rather angrily on our own mistakes sometimes, but most of the time we don't let that stop us from carrying on and enjoying ourselves.

Having fun in life is what its all about. Fun in which you can spin around in circles or just back and forth. In which you can jump and do endless somersaults out of sheer joy. Even if your little heart is already beating fast with excitement, there is always room for more. In the end, exhaustion wins out over that little body, but after a short break it usually picks up exactly where it left off.

Life is beautiful. That's exactly what our kids want to show and express. And they don't have to think about it for long. This emotional outburst is as impulsive as a volcano. And it's so infectious that I often can't escape it myself. And to be honest, I don't even want to escape it.

Our lives have become too serious for us to allow ourselves some spontaneous and impetuous outbursts of emotion. Keeping our composure often seems more important to us and we prefer to bravely swallow our own feelings and move on to the next item on the our.

But what's the point? The result might be some stomach ache and perhaps even an some stomach ulcer!

Where has our carefree attitude gone and when did we lose our impetuous sense of enjoyment in life?

It must have been a while ago, because most of us can't remember the last time we screamed out loud with joy and jumped around the house. But this is exactly the kind of performance I am able to witness over and over again and I have to admit to myself every time that there is nothing more infectious than children's laughter. The little ones want to share their happiness with everyone, loudly and from the bottom of their hearts. And I actually like that and can't get enough of it.

Because wasn't I like that once myself, infecting the people around me with my laughter? But today I rarely manage to come up with light-hearted cheerfulness. Most of the time, doubts prevail, I weigh up the pros and cons and therefore often come across as a killjoy. Fortunately, I am still able to learn and I am willing to let myself be guided. Even by the little ones, because they often know much better where to go. Not from experience or years of study, but intuitively. Intuition paired with curiosity and emotions can be an explosive drive that can take us much further than we would ever expect. If you engage with it and listen deeply within yourself, you finally rediscover those long-lost feelings. This impulsive joy of the moment, which breaks through in so many forms and for which there should simply be no stopping or turning back. Why should we set limits to this joyfulness, let's cheer and laugh along. The dynamic that arises from this euphoria is unpredictable and at the same time priceless.

And that's why I try to push my worries and concerns aside and prefer to join in the jolly events taking place in my living room. And sometimes I am the one that sings and dances first, even without being asked and invited. The world is our stage, where anything is possible. Sometimes we are in the theater and then again in the circus, and sometimes I might not even know where I actually am. But the laughter, the applause and the love I receive for my performance clearly show me that I'm in the right ensemble.

And with this group, I'm always on the winning side!
