Random winter fricasse - 10 pictures

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago (edited)


Greetings, Steemians! After the Christmas holydays I am back, with a little photo dump.
I present some random winter fricasse from the recent visuals. (Captured mostly at the evening time of a day - which comes very early! daytime in our northern latitudes flies by very, very quickly.)

Folks on the streets show up well-dressed and look very, very, very warm. That is a pleasure to look at - and take pics. Some of them are armed with umbrellas (to protect themselves from the snow blizzards).




A lot of snow fell on the city streets. The street cleaners probably got blisters on their hands.... just kidding! It is the specialized machines that do non-stop snow-removing job, and special municipal nanobots melt it. (Just a week later - there was no trace of the snow, and green lawns were all around again!)

На улицы выпало много снега. Дворники наверное натерли мозоли на руках.... шучу! снег убирают специализированные машины, а специальные нанороботы плавят его. Спустя неделю от снега не осталось и следа, снова видны зеленые лужайки!


In every city square and in every shop window, as well as at the counters, there are festively decorated Christmas trees.




Улицы обильно украшены светодиодами - эффектный способ! В моем детстве это не было распространено так, как сейчас.



I want to round off my blog with this funny photo. Look! At a street Christmas market I stumbled upon Santa Claus (and managed to take a paparazzi-style photo from behind). If you've ever wondered where does he stock up on the gifts he hands out from his huge sack... then this photo has the clues: he gets his goods from the same place as we do... from a store! There is no special Santa-Claus-made-in-Laplandia-factory :)

Закруглить свой блог я хочу этой фотографией - смотрите! на уличной ярмарке я встретил даже Санта-Клауса (и успел сделать папарацци фото со спины). Если вы когда-нибудь спрашивали себя, где он затоваривается подарками которые он раздает из своего огромного мешка... то на этой фотографии есть ответ: он берет товары там же, где и мы.... в магазине! никакой особой санта-клаус-маде-ин-Лапландия-фабрика у него нет :)

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

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Lovely winter pics :) Cheers :)

 2 months ago 

My pleasure! I wish I had a longer light day, an more sunny weather - then I could venture into street, rather than into night photography!
Do you have snow fallen on your land?

As the days are "always" long on São Miguel Island - Azores, my adventures in night photography are rare (although I really enjoy it).... It doesn’t snow here, and today we have a minimum temperature of 17°C and a maximum of 18°C, with lots of humidity. I can assure you I’m waiting for the sun to take my first sea swim of the year. Cheers :)

 2 months ago 

зелёные лужайки ... дык у тебя и снег зелёный )))


Уже навалить белого успело прилично, одумалась зимушка ))

 2 months ago 

Элли, да ты ж в Изумрудной стране очутилась! это не очки, нет - оно правда все вокруг такое зеленое!

 2 months ago 

даже знаю почему ))

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Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @bambuka and received a bonus from the curation account of the WOX community.

Nice shots you got. I was hoping to I can make a drawing of this stranger on the street because I really love the picture.
Can we talk about that on Whatsapp. Here is my WhatsApp number: 08131371374

 2 months ago 

Feel free to use it as reference. I wish you end up with something beautiful too.
And - no, I dont use whatsupp. 🙏 Have a nice day!

Alright. Thank you so much