Enhancing the Teenage Beauty

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 days ago (edited)


I looked into my folders and fished out something for this week WoX PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART, run by @axeman. The girl is not a stranger but my niece I had opportunity to shoot a few times. Due to the teen years she has a bad Moon-hollowed pimpled skin which is bad for photography, but perfect for training at skin-cleaning and retouch skills. So, today's post will present some more exercises in photo editing and exploration of the Photoshop's latest version retouching assets.

Firstly goes the original capture produced by the camera (downscaled).


And here is the edited version:


What I did: gave the photo an extra exposure to adjust / normalize the overall picture; corrected the tone adding some warmth; cleaned the pimpled skin; slightly lightened the shadows on the face around the eyes, under the nose and cheeks; removed spots and debris that were conspicuous on the felt hat. And most importantly: using the 'Warp Transformation' tool, I arbitrarily changed the geometry of the face, making it narrower and more elongated (my niece has a wide, moon-shaped face) - the chin line becomes straighter, and the face loses unnecessary volume. Girls like it when they look thinner, not fatter :) What do you think? Did you like the result?

NB. During post-processing, I used one of the 'Camera Raw' Photoshop filter options named 'Enhance Portrait'. I believe this option is based on Ai algorithms, and simplifies getting some basic quick result. In this case, I got automatically the skin smoothing, skin defect removal and slight lightening of the shaded face areas). New Photoshop AI-tools are amazing and time-saving - isn't it nice?

I haven't explored even 1/50 of all the new effects, it's impossible - there are too many. I found some new toning options hidden in the 'Style: Cinematic' & ''Style: Cinematic II' groups - they fake various movie effects. Some are quite nice, and I hope to feature some of them in my other posts. Perhaps that is all for today.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

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 3 days ago 

в качестве обратной связи, не более того, чисто имхо

я далёк от портретной съёмки, поэтому делюсь просто мыслями.
дух фотографии склонил бы меня к обработке её в низкий ключ.
Осветление теней на лице ведёт к более плоской картинке.
Глубокая ретушь может быть и важна для глянца, но делает портрет менее живым.
Если дефект кожи не бросается в глаза и не тянет внимание, можно его особо и не трогать.
В правом верхнем углу проявилась отвлекающая деталь, низкий ключ её бы почти скрыл.
После обработки появилось ощущение дополнительных цветов и оттенков, вроде тоже не работает на результат.

Это беглые впечатления и ощущения, не знаю, какая именно задача ставилась на пост обработку, поэтому чисто субъективные наблюдения.
А в общем портрет хороший, хотя курить даме и рановато )))

 2 days ago 

Gran captura de esa mirada en la chica y el post procesado le dió el toque final.

Muy buena amigo @jpegg

 18 hours ago 

Ooo! Hearing this from established pro photographer like you, makes me happy and does mean a lot. Thank you, thank you!!!

 16 hours ago 

When what has been done is seen to have been done well, you have to recognize it, friend.

And I maintain that, for me it is a very good portrait image.

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When doing photos it is important to love the subject that the person does. Often people simply do so called snapshot and of course, we can see everything but there is still area to improve.

I love the difference that you presented with your editing, that is something that people who would like to present their photos should do especially with all new possibility of using the modern technology. Well done work!


Curated by : @stef1