Islamic Art - Drawing a pattern based on six folds.
It all starts with a circle...
Hold the same compass opening to draw another circle with its centre on the circle just drawn.
So, this way...
Then, use the intersection of the circles as a centre point to draw other circles around the first one.
You'll see that it's only possible to draw six circles around the central circle, and you'll notice that it's divided into exactly six equal parts.
Essentially, this method is the same one we used to divide the circle in a previous post.
Now, always keeping the same compass opening, use the intersection points between the six circles (marked in red) to draw six more circles.
Like this...
Once again, you will draw six circles having as a central point the intersections between the six previous ones (marked here in green).
This should be the result.
Now we can identify and draw the hexagon in the center circle.
We can also draw the six-pointed star, formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles.
Repeating the same process we draw another star inside the resulting hexagon.
By repeating this process three times as drawn below and extending or projecting the other three opposite faces we will have the necessary help lines to draw some pattern.
Draw this kind of arrow with the support of the lines already drawn.
Repeating the drawing on the other two hexagons we'll obtain the pattern shown below.
By arranging the pattern in different directions we obtain a nice design to fill a surface.

I wish you a very nice day!
Adult Coloring Book