Effort & Experience

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


“While interacting with you, a person learns a great deal about himself. Show him all the good he possesses. That is what matters most.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

Whilst looking for content to curate yesterday afternoon, I came across a “Diary Game” post. I will be honest - I tend to scroll over many of those posts for the simple reason that the repetitive sight of that title down the feed puts me off because it is so visually overwhelming! However, for “whatever” reason, this one caught my attention, so I decided to give it a squizz.

I began reading and I was not met with at all what I was expecting… not that I actually knew what I was expecting. It started off with the usual blurb, but then suddenly took a bit of an unexpected turn.

Among a post filled with “daily activity” photos was the writing of someone who was clearly hurting. They wrote about how they did not anticipate anybody ever taking a look at their post because it is filled with details from their boring life and it is obvious that nobody is interested. They continued - that they try really hard with the translations to English, but that they do not have any assistance or experience with it and for such, are aware that their already boring post gets made even worse because it is lost in translation.

I actually had to just stop for a minute after reading that. I needed to process what I had just read. It made me really sad to think that someone would be driven to express themselves in such a “between the lines” manner. I also know now why I was drawn to open that particular post, rather than any other in the sea that is “the diary game”.

This got me thinking about content creation in general. The reality is - I don't think there are many (if any) professional writers floating around here. There are seasoned writers, yes - ie. people like myself who have been writing for themselves for many years - but professional writers… not so much, and that is absolutely fine - but I think that this fact needs to be considered when venturing down the road of curation, whether it is community driven or just from a personal position.

Most days of the week I spend a good amount of time looking for not only new content, but new creators (as in I have not connected with them before). This is one of the reasons why I try my best to grab content by scrolling the “new” feed. Yes, there is a LOT of utter crud there, but every now and again I stumble on a gem or two and that makes often endless scrolling seem worth it.

I think it is important to remember that genuine effort given by an aspiring novice is often just as valuable as a post made by a writer with years of experience and it would be nice to see more frequent acknowledgement of such when it comes to curation support.


“Being able to uplift others is the biggest miracle in the world.” - Sri Avinash Do

Expression is a very personal journey and writing, like any other skill set is something that will blossom a lot quicker when it is nurtured with encouragement. I realise that it is literally impossible to find all the hidden gems or to support even close to all the people who deserve it - but what I am saying is… take time to consider things you may normally overlook or scroll past.

Genuine effort - even if it possibly falls short of your personal standards, or what you may consider “excellent” or even “good” is still noteworthy and deserves a little more perusal in my opinion.

Also, and from a slightly different perspective… consider this: If you make a direct connection with someone who you believe is really trying then you are “inviting” them to potentially pop over and have a look at what your content is all about. This is how people learn, it is how they get inspired and ultimately improve and grow.

I speak from my own experience as a growing creative on several fronts - be it cooking, drawing, painting or even writing… being exposed to and connecting with people who are more advanced than me has always motivated me to push my own boundaries. When you hold admiration for the achievements of another who treats you like you are their equal… it makes you want to do better!

Well that it how I feel about it anyway and so I just thought I would share that little bit of a brain fart here with all of you. There are a LOT of people here on Steemit who are really trying to create good content and with a little more encouragement and fine tuned direction, they would absolutely grow positively.

I suppose I also decided to do this little write up, because I wanted to bring highlight to the selections I make for the curation posts on the @theluvbug and @steemitbloggers accounts. My selections are often not the “obvious choice” and it is for precisely the reason I have outlined here in this post.

Anyhoo, I think I have rambled on long enough and no doubt you caught my drift about five paragraphs ago, lol.


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited


Understood and agreed! I find the Diary Game mostly boring and bland, but that's because of the way it's implemented. @patjewell once delivered wonderful diaries, just the way I want them to be. Not to mention @ty-ty...

But: if I'm honest, the diaries appeal to me even more than the tiresome engagement challenges. They deal with what is given by the host in the form of an essay. The diaries offer a glimpse into life models that are so far away, so alien to my own, that I am grateful for this opportunity to "look over the fence"...

And even if I call my contributions something else: most of them correspond to a kind of diary ;-))

Understood and agreed! I find the Diary Game mostly boring and bland, but that's because of the way it's implemented. @patjewell once delivered wonderful diaries, just the way I want them to be. Not to mention @ty-ty...

I love it when people take an "instruction" and make it BLOOOOOOM like it was designed to!

But: if I'm honest, the diaries appeal to me even more than the tiresome engagement challenges. They deal with what is given by the host in the form of an essay. The diaries offer a glimpse into life models that are so far away, so alien to my own, that I am grateful for this opportunity to "look over the fence"...

I totally agree with you - I just wish people were encouraged to be a little more adventurous! It (almost) makes me want to be back at the helm, inspiring and motivating... (NO JAYNE!!!) lol) Those cultures and lifestyles which are foreign to many... could offer a lot more.

And even if I call my contributions something else: most of them correspond to a kind of diary ;-))

Guilty too. :)

 last year 

It all makes me think about the earliest days of "social blogging." It was more about stories of life and human interest than about anyone being the next aspiring Hemingway.

It's also easy to lose sight of the fact that a large number of participants in this community are actually having their first social media experience here. This is their first shot. They don't come here with 10 years on Facebook or Tumblr under their belts.

It's usually easy enough to tell the difference between slightly inept sincerity and someone just churning out formulaic crud in pursuit of a few rewards. I think you know what I'm talking about...

I forget his name now, but a long time ago there was a fellow here who was all about promoting Steemit as "The Internet of PEOPLE," as an offset to the typical information-based content you see in many places.

And to be honest?

I follow you because I am interested in (and invested in) YOUR journey, Jaynie... yes, you're a great writer and illustrator and all that, but if you weren't relatable, that wouldn't amount to much, by itself.

Jus' sayin'...

It all makes me think about the earliest days of "social blogging." It was more about stories of life and human interest than about anyone being the next aspiring Hemingway.

The way it should be!

It's also easy to lose sight of the fact that a large number of participants in this community are actually having their first social media experience here. This is their first shot. They don't come here with 10 years on Facebook or Tumblr under their belts.

Absolutely!!! I know this well myself- living in a third world country. Technology is NOT a given for all... and one HAS to remember that!

It's usually easy enough to tell the difference between slightly inept sincerity and someone just churning out formulaic crud in pursuit of a few rewards. I think you know what I'm talking about...

Indeed, and yes - I do.

I follow you because I am interested in (and invested in) YOUR journey, Jaynie... yes, you're a great writer and illustrator and all that, but if you weren't relatable, that wouldn't amount to much, by itself.

Firstly, thank you! and yes... VERY TRUE!!! I can relate this this 200% - pitching this in real life... "the most amazing person", "loved by so many", "impossible not to like" - sure, sure, sure - but if I cannot "connect" to them on some level... its a dead end.

I am grateful we "connect" :)

A song you once shared on my track of the day posts still plays in my life at least weekly and I always think of you when it does!

Know which one?! ;)

 last year 

I am grateful we "connect" :)

I'm grateful, too. It's such a rare and precious thing.

Know which one?! ;)


hahaha yes! Well done.

1 x Noddy badge for you lol


being the next aspiring Hemingway


Congratulations, your post has been upvoted with a bonus by @o1eh,
which is a curating account for the WOX Community.


Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3

 last year 

It is an art to sift the quality content from the chaff among such an abundance of posts.

Probably more patience than art :)

This post has received a 100.0 % upvote from @boomerang.

Much appreciated @boomerang <3