Rocks and foams · Black and white long exposure series · [ENG-ESP]

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This is my entry for "The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #069"
By @axeman
Hi Steemers:
On this occasion I want to share with you this a series of long exposure black and white photos with the theme of rocks, sea and foam.
We can apply different exposure time settings to achieve different results. It is important to have a filter if we take the photos on bright days or if we will not have to take the photos at sunrise or in the last minutes of the day. The use of a quality tripod is essential.
I hope you find them interesting. Greetings!
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Hola Steemers:
En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes esta una serie de fotos en blanco y negro de larga exposición con la temática de las rocas, el mar y la espuma.
Podemos aplicar diferentes configuraciones de tiempo de exposición para conseguir diferentes resultados. Es importante tener un filtro si sacamos las fotos en días luminosos o si no tendremos que tomar las fotos al amanecer o en los últimos minutos del día. Es fundamental el uso de trípode de calidad.
Espero que les parezcan interesantes. Saludos!
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You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format on

Copyright: Javier Sebastian, Canary Islands. All my images are original.
If you want to buy any of my visuals, please drop me a message, I'm on Discord: JavierSebastian#5816
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