It's a cruel, cruel world we live in

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago

She had just given birth last week, and it had made her extremely aggressive and fiercely protective of her kittens. She hissed at every cat that dared to come within 100 meters of her. She had always been a loving cat, wagging her tail and tagging along with the others, waiting for food the moment I came home. But since last week, she had been fighting other cats, as if determined to keep all the food for herself.

At first, I was confused by her behavior, but then I followed her and discovered that she had given birth to three kittens. The kittens had already opened their eyes, so it must have been at least a couple of weeks since she’d given birth.

After realizing this, I tried to give her a little more attention than the other strays. Just last night, I witnessed her fiercely protecting her food, even fighting off a male cat. She was everything a mother could be—protective, loving, and strong.

But now, she’s gone.

The cat I had seen just last night, full of life and spirit, I found dead in the middle of the road this afternoon when I returned from the hospital. I couldn’t hold back my tears. Her skull was crushed—hit by some reckless driver—her eyes wide open, popped out.

How can people be so cruel? How? I’m struggling to process this. How can someone not care for these defenseless animals, who have no voice to speak for themselves? Did the driver not have the decency to stop, to see if maybe she could have been saved? I’ve lost too many pets now. I’m done. Done with the cruelty of this world.

Did that driver not have a heart? As I stood over her lifeless body, so many questions flooded my mind. How could he not even move her to the side of the road or bury her, so no other car would run over her, even in death?

All that remains now is her blood on the road. The image still haunts me.

I'm not sure if anyone here understands my feeling, I'm not sure if I'm even able to convey it properly but I'm shattered right now. What of her kids? Who's going to feed them? Do you think they'll survive in thus world where beasts like that driver exist? A cruel, cruel world we live in.

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I’m so sorry for your loss... It’s heartbreaking how cruel and careless someone can be. It’s devastating to lose her this way😞 I can understand you and your pain because unfortunately I experienced these kind of things. The pain you’re feeling is real and valid. You gave her kindness when she needed it most and that matters.

Btw, what will happen to her kittens now? Are they safe or is there anyone who can help care for them? They must be so vulnerable without her 😞

In my opinion, the solution is that the punishment should serve as a deterrent. Laws need to be enforced in a way that makes people think twice before committing such acts. There must be consequences strong enough to prevent this kind of cruelty from happening again.

I'm not sure what will happen to her kittens. These kittens will not be comfortable without their mom and it'll take time for them to even have trust in me. Even then most of the day I'm not even at home so these kittens only have themselves at the moment. I hope something works out really soon in their favor.

Talking about laws, here in Pakistan laws are only for the weak and the poor. Here, money and power talks. And speaking about animals, the government couldn't care less.

 5 months ago (edited)

I'm very sad to hear that. Social media can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and gathering support. It often takes more attention from the government as well. The most important thing we can do is to speak out and discuss this issue across all platforms.

I hope those kittens find loving homes and have a happy life, perhaps someone will adopt them...



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Oh, that's bad! I'm so sorry... And to make it even worse: I don't think the little ones have a chance of surviving without their mum. Don't let your love for animals be taken away from you - these fates are part of it. You've made their lives a little better, that's what counts.


Mate I think you mistakenly commented on a different post

Thank you, that was an error.

That's what concerning me. The kittens.

Don't let your love for animals be taken away from you

Never. Period.

We need to get rid of reckless drivers honestly. But therr are some cases where you are taken by surprise and have no chance to avoid the accident...

You are emotional right now but it's an accident. People don't crush animals on purpose. But yeah the driver could have at least removed the animal from the road.

Around 2 months ago, I was parking the car when I saw a kitten lying ahead. I got out to shoo it away because it was exactly in place where the wheels would come rolling. To my surprise, it was dead. I got back in the car and parked it in another spot and came back to see the kitten. Now it wasn't alone, her mommy and siblings were dragging it away. So I didn't interfere but I felt so down. It was me who had taken out the car from the same spot 15 minutes ago. I didn't notice any cat or living being around the car that time, not even while taking out the car did I hear or felt anything. But I felt morbid, rooted to the spot and my eyes glued to the broken family. The same family, I had been feeding for the past few weeks. They were living in my window... I remained in guilt for weeks. There's a chance I wasn't responsible for it but the timing and location said otherwise. :(

True. Idts there exist people who'd kill these bezuban animals on purpose. What really hurt me was her lying in the middle of the rood drowned in her own blood. The blood stained paws meant sh didn't die instantly but struggled for sometime maybe. The driver could have atleast poured water on her or something maybe something idk.

I understand what you went through. As I said there are some incidents, some accidents where we are not left with a choice. I used to feed a puppy outside my house. You know how it is in Pakistan? Killing dogs and all that. I had to keep an extra check on that little guy.

One afternoon my dad hurriedly called me and asked me to go out and check on that poor soul. My brother while reversing his car accidentally ran over the puppy. His face had completely broken and I can still hear his wailing. My brother was too devastated to even move. I called a veterinarian and he took this puppy to the clinic where the treatment was done.

After a couple of days the puppy was brought back to my place but then he never stayed put there. It was as if he'd lost his trust in him. Though he had recovered, he moved out and I saw him for a few more days outside the society untill he wasn't anywhere to be found.

The guilt in the heart demonstrates the purity of the heart. You're blessed to have it.

 5 months ago 

At least, I think the cat has gone to heaven. I hope so.

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~Comment by @aneukpineung78