Ringebu Stave Church, a glimpse of the 13th century.
Stories from the north. Roadtrip in Norway, Juli 21.
On our way south in Norway we crossed a mountain plateau on a smaller road to the valley Østerdalen. The altitude is around 1000 meters before we drive down to Ringebu.
On an altitude at 1000 meters in northern Norway it is almost only rocks and very little vegetation. Fun to see the difference.
A couple of sheep's gave us a curious look.
Up in the hillside above Ringebu is the stave church located. This type of church is very old. They are built of wood and its quite amazing they are still standing there. The oldest part of the church is from the 13th century and built in the stave church style. The doorway is carved in dragon style. The soapstone font is from the 12th century.
Archaelogical excavation carried out in 1980-81 uncovered signs of a pole church form the first period Christiansiation. This could be from the middle of the 11th century. They also found 892 coins under the floor. Many were form around year 1217-1263.
Many archaeological finds were made in the 1930s with suggest that this place functioned as a central meeting place in pr-Christian times. The old road through the valley passed by the church until 1860. A grave mound probably form Viking times lies a short way from the church. In earlier times the centre of the village lay here. Ringebu stave church is still the main church in Ringebu.
A little glimpse from passed and present times.
Best regards
Hi @harkar brother.
Hi @harkar it's great that antiques like that church are still standing...

Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.
Yes. Thea Are an Important part of our history. Thank you very much for nice comment.