RE: Talk Channel: "Comment or ask a question"/ Comente o pregunte (week 263) in the WOX
I didn't even realize there was another way of creating accounts, which seems indicative of whatever I've been getting at. The whole Steemit ecosystem looks overly complicated and somewhat fractured. Granted, I'm getting old and need new glasses, but I've been doubting my own intelligence here and there (despite of on-going delusions of being slighty above average, which I'm probably not).
Most concepts seem straight forward once you understand them, but I'm still stuck with that outsider perspective. Hence me not knowing what the hell is going on, most of the times. I'm not humble bragging or fishing for compliments either, I just don't. Obviously thats mostly a -me- problem and not a -you- problem but per definition most of anything is average. So I'd argue it doesn't matter what the developers might think, if their flawless logic happens to be inaccessible to the average person.
Just take concepts intellectual brilliance compared to being insane. Without external markers of competence, like diplomas and peer groups and so on, most people can't tell the difference. Or at least that's a lasting suspicion of mine. Imagine a bum screaming his lungs out, about some perfectly valid theory of everything or something equally important. Nobody would listen. Even if they were, nobody could tell the difference (unless they're deep into the subject themselves). I'm not trying to attribute bum like qualities to Steemit or its user base, I'm merely using a little bit of hyperbole to illustrate a point.
I guess with the AI stuff they're just stealing their training data left and right. Social media, sites like Steemit, books, who knows what. That said, up until somewhat recently I would probe ChatGPT for some belly rubs. What do you think about this and that, who would you compare me to, is this good writing, and so on. I didn't really rely upon AI for edits and ideas, it was just me being narcissistic. I would feed it files with like 50 thousand words worth of stream-of-consciousness, or me working out ideas and mental images. Nothing worth bragging about, but eventually a light bulb went on and I realized I was setting myself up.
I don't care what Microsoft says, your exchanges will go into the database. Once that stuff is in there ChatGPT won't be like: Reminder, grebmot came up with the original idea, as shitty as it may be. Nah, someone is going to prompt content and the algorhitm will frankenstein a bunch of things together, some of which might be yours. It's one thing to analyze a sausage, but I don't want to give Microsoft the keys to the sausage factory itself. Does that make sense?
Either or, thanks a lot for mentioning Steemworld. That might actually pan out, but we'll see. I'm casually optimistic.
Did you try out steemworld? I should wirk. If not let me know. I believe in Talkchannel or SCB @hive-152479 this option is mentioned plus how to do it by steemchiller.
A good comment, thanks for the lively talk. The last part of your text should make us all think.
I did! I managed to claim an account using 3 STEEM as a payment option. Which was weird, because I didn't notice any consequent withdrawals and his balance seems to be zero. Not a big issue, but it made me wonder.
Thanks for the support Kitty! Honestly I've been feeling a bit like a mooch lately. I'm thinking about having to give something back sooner or later.