Spring spotted street. Part 1

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 days ago

I've been stuck on the aesthetic reporting wave for too long, it's time to bring chaos! Work is work, but no one has canceled creativity and inner peace. I need to show my vision of the world more often.


In a few years, it would seem that I have already exhausted street scenes in a spotty way.

Spotting means an accumulation of details, light and color spots.

I want to put everything together to make a colorful carpet.

But not every frame is like that, because I shoot everything I see, and I don't just see spots.

It turns out to be a kind of alternation of ordinary street scenes with more graphic ones.

I used to think that it was a telephoto lens that would compress the space very much and collect many plans into one.

But it's not about the length of the focus (although it's needed), but about working with these plans.

To put plans into one, there must be many of them, but it is not always possible to find such places.

I thought I had reached a physical limit, that is, the limit of the place that could give me this spotting, the mass of objects.

But in fact, I was stuck with my perception of reality...

I need to see wider, longer, and more multifaceted.

In fact, I'm practicing methods that I've already learned and become bored with.

All you have to do is start working with the foreground and framing.

These two implemented creative techniques should serve as a new round in the spotted street.

Well, look closely at the light accents.

To be continued...