Dugouts in Vorobyovo
Vorobyovo is a village in the Sokolsky district of the Vologda Region and the administrative center of the rural settlement. Vologda is 91 km away. It is located on the federal highway A123 "Chekshino–Totma–Kotlas–Kuratovo".
The cellars in Vorobyovo are scattered throughout the village, but there are also places where they accumulate.
Along the Vatalica River, there is the largest concentration and the most interesting views due to the height difference.
I was afraid I wouldn't get there, but fortunately there are trails leading there, and there are boardwalks across the river.
The snow ice holds perfectly, and the depth of the snow cover is small – I walked as if on asphalt!
There are two types of dugouts in the Sokolsky district – buried and semi-buried with a gable roof.
In Vorobyovo, there were also "square ones on a hill" – where the cellar itself is half sunk into the ground, the second part is sprinkled with soil, and the roof has one slope.
At first, I was a little disappointed, as there were garages in a couple of places instead of dugouts.
But in the rest of the locations, everything turned out exactly as I wanted.
Sokolsky cellars can already be classified into a separate category in terms of atmosphere and sensations, because they differ in appearance and location.
And I also realized that I love every place with dugouts, because they are all unique!
And I miss each place in its own way.