The world inventions; The history and the case of the dust dryer!

You know, the dust dryer we are using in the businesses to take away dust where it has been collected when we are here, and we are also using this matter in private homes, and we are just wanting clear and clean locations and conditions when we are here, and this is the way of how things are organized when we are here. So, I love and appreciate my boss Thomas Sell, telling us what to do in the working place when we are in Selective Response in Grimstad in Norway!
The first dust dryer probably reached the market in the 1970s. Did They Have Dryers In The 70s? Absolutely. In fact, the 1970s saw a distinct boom in tumble dryer sales. At the time, more families had access to disposable income, and we are just organizing our private life ourselves, and we ignore and condemn people around us when we do not need them, but we are free to work with what we want when we are here, and we have comfort and convenience with being where we are being now when being here.
So, what are we doing with the dust dryer? Well, we are taking away the dust, and cleaning the places where we are when we are here, and the point of cleaning materials, is to make clean working places and clean private homes, and that is the way we are organizing things when being here, and we have enough higher education to reveal all cases that are going on on lower levels in the societies, and we can listen to voices and ways people are being to feel and to think how they perceive and why the perception was as it was.
How are we getting dust in the places where we are? Well, there is not clean air to any times, and there is pollution of small or bigger cases when we are situated as we are when we are here, and we ignore things we do not appreciate and things we are thinking are stupid when we are here. And dust is made up of a variety of components, including: hairs, dead skin cells, body parts of dead insects, dust mites, bacteria, clothing fibres, animal dander, food particles, pollen, and bits of plastic.
So, things are being within and outside the order of normally things when we are here, and something we are perceiving as being the same things from time to time while we are here, and we are just loving our employees and our employer, and we love when we have the most right and the best possible solutions of anything when we are here, and public organizations have a distinct life, and there is not so much dynamics and competitions while we are here, and there is enough to be engaged with when we are here, also in the firms we are being from time to time, and we are here to love what is going on from time to time. And dust is just a thing we are wanting away from us when we are here, and we define ourselves the rules and the laws and the norms, and why something should be valid or not valid for our purposes and behavior when we are here, and people just being updated and involved are often better things than the people educated from the colleges, and colleges and business schools are filled with persons with low intelligence level, and that is also true about the people having the lectures. So, the best persons should go the best places to get the most attractive networks and possibilities, and we are just being in the life as we are when we are here. But at the same time, we should be positively framed about working where we are working, and there are enough opportunities and motivation and pleasure different places when we are here.
How is the dust removed when we are getting dust in the places where we do not want the dust to be? Well, It's common to clean dusty surfaces with a wet cloth, but the most effective method for eliminating household dust, including dust mites and their droppings, is to vacuum the surfaces first. Vacuum hard floors and use attachments to vacuum surfaces and fabrics, and we are just in the life with different backgrounds and education and we have possibilities due to what is done, and what can be done with what we are knowing different places, but we should be ourselves, and we should love what is doing.
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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