Lessons we learn.
In "another life," I gave 13 years of my life to a home grown import business and arts and crafts gallery. We on awards. We were featured as a "top 50 small retailer" in the US. We did things normally reserved for large deparment store chains... and beat their arses at it.
But you're right, there's only so much in our tanks. And I paused ask who exactly I was trying to impress? For whose benefit was all this work? My average work week was about 66 hours. For what?
Be proud of what you built! You accomplished something others could not. You made a difference; a mark; an impression. We both did, in our separate corners of the world.
Celebrate the accomplishment, but don't dwell on the "what ifs."
Just rambling...
We each learn our lesson. Mine was that the relentless pursuit of success wasn't my dream, it was a reflection of other people's expectations for me. "You have so much potential! Youll change the world!"
What if the "change" I want to make in the world involves kindness and compassion, rather than a bottom line?
Yes absolutely! My tank was definitely on reserve back then, lol. and agreed - for what?! Makes me think a lot of the lyrics from the song "bittersweet symphony"
True damn story!!! XOXOXO
You know I appreciate your rambling ;)
I love this!!! because it is just that so much of the time - external influence. Social pressure. Obligation. Ego. and if there is one thing I have definitely learned as I have gotten older is that I want no part in it. Well, as little as humanly possible any way, lol