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RE: The Cost of Creativity VS Freedom to Flourish

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

Preach it!

Timely as you always are, your words arrived precisely as I'm speculating along much a similar path... just had to significantly power down here to pay a stupid tax bill and I can't shake the uneasy feeling that I have become "persona non-grata" as a result of powering down... at least my previous support level seems to have dwindled to a pittance.

You may (or may not) that I used to rail against people going out in the world pitching Steemit everywhere as a place to make money... with (of course!) the attendant result being that 99% of newcomers cared not one whit for creativity and only about how to squeeze every last cent from their presence here.

Is it even about actual money? Or is it about a mindset that goes with a crowd that is money driven?


Of course, it's not unique to the current generation of crypto-social content sites... everything — going back all the way to Epinions in 1999 — has been driven by 'whale politics" within all these myriad communities... Epinions, WrittenByMe, Squidoo, Bubblews, Helium, HubPages... the list numbers some 50+ failed ventures, these days.

I just want a place to publish my stuff and enjoy a modicum of engagement and community.

Well, anyway...

It warms my heart that you have found such a happy (I hope!) creative niche with your baking/sourdough venture! You ROCK!

Love always.