Lecture III: How to Become Successful on Steemit (5 Important Keys to Success on Steemit)

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)


Hey Buddies, Today I’m going to sharing with you some strategic to become successful on Steemit Platform. This tips will help you become successful if you follow these steps and if you can put these strategic which I’m about to share with you in to practice, it might help you a lot.

But, before I further, I want to believe each and everyone of us know very sure that destiny is on our hands, there is no magic other than to be consistency, focus and keep on creating a good contents which could attracting those who will help you grow on the platform, now tell go into full details.

1.Consistency is the Key:

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Consistency is very important in every things in life, On and off is something that could make other lose interesting in your contents. Post as consistently as possible, try to post every day, mind you, the more consistence you are, the more that you are going to get people to follow you and look forward to hearing from you whether it is videos or your blogs.
In nutshell, Be as consistent as possible to build confidence and make other trust your work, if you focus on these you are going to start to see success on Steemit.

2.Building a Following or Follower.

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Everything in life require us to build, especially when it comes to integrity or reputation. It will take time to build a reputation, but it take try seconds to destroyed reputation built for years. Everytime that you make a post, you will definitely get a votes every single times, half is better none, little cents could make combination will make $1 if you don’t lost hope or focus. So, when you want to build or engaged people to follow your blog, you need to start creating good contents for them to trust your work.

You can start to trend on the certain community, it requires a lot of efforts to achieve that, of course, nothing comes easy in life, but with consistency and good efforts I can see it happen. Making Dollars is not an easy task, you need to contribute to the community, before community could give back to you. Always, have it in mind, to do something news or great for the community you joined before you can expect them to give back to your or rewards you. You need to build that following, get in the comments when you make posts and try to response to all your comments as much as possible, irrespective of their reputation or power, try to replies every good comments on your post. That is how you can build a following be engaging, also spend the time with your community peoples to make everything’s lively.

3.Get Attention of Whales

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Getting attention of someone is something that has to worth it honestly, Let say you are moving on the street, and came across Mr. beans, I bet everyone will love that moments, you may not give full attention towards the area, but at least, little attention will be focus towards the scene, that is what good efforts does. To get attention of quote-unquote whale’s required hard work and good contents creators, before I go further.


A whale on Steemit is somebody who has lot of influence. Influence in the sense that such individual invested much on the Steemit Platform. For instance, someone has 600 Thousand Dollars as the total asset here on Steemit, such people are called whale they can put hundreds of dollars in peoples account instantly through their upvote given to peoples.

Now, how will you get attention of the whale? Nothing else could attract them, only through good post production or creation will bring attention of whales on your post. You will need to put a really good post out by doing this, peoples could comments and re-steem your good contents, who knows through that re-steem, big whale may come across your post and find value in what you posted, then you can smile with their upvote on your post.

Through creation of good post, it can land or attract whales on your blog, ofcourse, everyone do appreciate good contents either through comment commendation or given vote to your work, so also, a very good content could get the whales on your side.

I love a quote I read sometimes ago; it says
“Good Content is King on Steemit platform, and engagement is Queen.”


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Power up Steem give you more influence on Steemit, meaning that the more your Steem Power, The more your influence on the platform.
What is Steem Power, because of our newbies, let me briefly explain what’s is meant by Steem Power.

Steem Power: This is a measurement of how much influence a user has in the Steem network, Meaning that the more Steem Power hold, the more you will be influence the value of post and comments. The more of your power up Steem, the more it will increase your voice you give to others.*

5.What is good about Steem?

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Steem is a platform of Hope, but support only honest writing, Steemit Platform is represent a fusion of ideas, drawing from both social media and crypto-currencies to create, share or upvote contents on the Steem network, from these mention tasks, you will be rewarding with Steem token, straight meaning: earing crypto-currency tokens based on performance within the community.

 How do you earn? When you post a good contents and such articles or post was upvoted by the whales or with high profile who can give your post influences, be assure that 50% of that post earning is coming to you.

 How do you earn? Your Good comments on others post could earn little things here, meaning that nothing go un-reward here on the Platform, but only if you are honest with everything you are doing.

 How do you earn? When you post someone work which interest you, you will definitely earn, that is Curation Reward. With Big Voting Power, you can earn as much as from 50% earning which are meant for curators who upvote that post, is this not interesting?

Thanks for reading, hopefully you find this post valuble, feel free to express yourself in the comments sections.

Thanks for stopping by on my blog.



When a person is doing good job, such individual deserve to be appreciated; @xpilar represent your interest and his doing a good job so far; can you support him by voting him up on witness vote?

You can vote him here..Click to vote xpilar.witnesse



Wondering how Steemit works, read Steemit FAQ?

 4 years ago 

Thats a lot of very good and very helpful advise. Thanks for sharing.

 4 years ago 

Glad you read the post! Hopefully many will put those tips into practice!!!



 4 years ago (edited)

My Dear @Davidad
Coming up with your writing, 5 keys to success, will be able to find the perfect life of new steemians. Its readers can also find a lot like me. They will read, and follow the rules.

 4 years ago 

Thanks you for stopping by...



Hola..!! Soy nueva en steemit, publicaciones cómo está son de mucho apoyo para los nuevos emprendedores como yo, muy entendible y explicativo tu texto, bendiciones mucho exito.

Bravo 👏👏👏, you won't stop to amaze me as a senior, with your words of encouragement and guidance.
On behalf of every Newbies, we say thank you Sir. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

 4 years ago 

Glad you find it valuable to your journey here, more success to you...



Thank you for sharing such information ,

 4 years ago 

You are welcome!
Hopefully newbies will follow the steps to help them Excel on the platform!



Thanks for sharing such great guidlines for newcomers such as me, I am following you thankyou so much once again.

 4 years ago 

You are welcome!!! Glad you find it valuable to read!



Sir need more guidance from such seniors.
Can I post this in another community with your permissions?

 4 years ago 

You can only share (re-steem the post) for more visibility, copypasta directly could land you in trouble!

You can copy the post link to share to Other to read instead!



@davidad I want to ask one thing I posted 2 posts in WORLD OF XPILAR but no one give even one vote? Why it's happening? Or is there something which I should do before posting?

 3 years ago 

You need to build trust and confidence in what you are doing!

Also, never be discouraged, you just got here and believe need to be convinced about originality and good contents! Continue post good contents and overtime people will love what you doing..



You have said it all dear @davidad, we will continue learning..

 4 years ago 

Exactly, learning has no definitely ending!!!



Nice lecture my friend.. whales, getting their attention is kinda difficult tho..

 4 years ago 

Rules No 1 Consistent and good contents creator will definitely archive this one day! When a baby is born, he/she can't get up same day and started walking!

But with, persistence, and good contents creation it will build a relationship with others who could give their voice/vote to you.



Thanks for sharing your wonderful tips

 4 years ago 

You are welcome, hopefully it will help your journey here on Steemit..



I hope so

You have passed across a very vital information about Steemit…..

 3 years ago 

Thanks for reading!!!
Hopefully it will help many Steemians, especially newbies!!



Yeah….. it will be of great help

Over time been wandering why i can't get upvote and become seriously discourage but with this lectures i will sum on courage and be on my deer dor the job with good contents thanks davida for your courage.

 3 years ago 

Never be discouraged!

Keep the good spirits and continue putting your best towards what you believe!

NB: STEEMIT support originality and good contents creator.. always try to give your best.

You may want to join World of Xpilar Community -Nigeria Members.. feel free.



Best of luck.


Gracias por la información muy buena explicación.

 4 years ago 

You are welcome!!

Thanks for stopping by..!!!

