Appreciation Modupe Lowo Olorun(Remote Area)
Whatever a man does so shall it reap, it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone to plant okro and be Expecting to harvst yarm impossible
I believe in Something if you are doing good and pay didn't pay you back with good, you have no reason to stop doing good.
Remember, human in the position of Human and god in the position of God! Always be Happy doing good no matters what, don't you think they will be the one to rewards you.
There is someone who look down on human with mercy, He can bless you in return, God is so faithful always no matters what, his words is yes and Amen.
Mercy Mercy Mercy i pray for the, good luck to daze whatever you are doing, so that your plan could come to reality.
Best of luck everyone in your doing, remembere to keep doing good always.
See you tomorrow, have a blessed night rest, good night.
@tipu curate