Photos I took of The Historical Buildings in Salisbury, Wiltshire
Photos I Took of The Historical Buildings
in Salisbury, Wiltshire

The wonderful Legacy Rose and Crown Hotel, a 13th-century, half-timbered inn near
the River Avon
The haunted pub The Haunch of Venison, which dated back to the 14th century and has a mumified severed hand behind glass on display
Poultry Cross is located in the centre of Salisbury and was constructed in the 14th century
and modified in the 18th century
Salisbury Cathedral has the tallest spire in Britain (404 feet); it houses the best preserved of the four surviving original copies of the Magna Carta (1215); it has the oldest working mechanical clock in Europe (1386); it has the largest cathedral cloisters and cathedral close in Britain; the choir stalls are the largest and earliest complete set in Britain; the vault is the highest in Britain.
Here are some more historical buildings in Salisbury:

There are approximately 100 pubs and drinking establishments in Salisbury!

Salisbury has the coolest looking cinema, housed in a 16th century hall

There are three gates that are closed at 11pm at night and opened at 6am the following
morning, so there is no access to the cathedral close and cathedral during this time
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