The Monkeys in Oslob


The Monkeys in Oslob

Few days ago, I went to Samboan, Cebu to attend a birthday celebration of my colleagues mother. My colleague was so kind that we stopped by to some picture-perfect spots for our instagram and facebooks feed. Then, we made a stop in Oslob, were these monkeys habitat is.

It was truly fun because we get to interact with them by feeding them, and calling them by their names (well not really). Only one of them had a proper name- Edward. He is the alpha of the group. Others were simply called “Goy” or short for “Onggoy”, which is a Cebuano term for Monkey.

Anyways we had so much fun. So, here are some photos I shot:

This “Goy” seems shy. But, it will grab your banana offering if ever you hand one.

I had fun staring at this one because he was holding a side mirror and then he was looking at his reflection. This was actually a video that I screenshot. I took a video because it was very funny and at the same time funny to me.

I think the bigger one was the Mommy Monkey and the smaller one was the Baby Monkey. Before they were fed they stayed in a tree, then walked near us. The Mommy Monkey carried the Baby Monkey clinging on to her belly.


Now here’s me trying to catch a moment with them. Do you see a similarity, physically? 😂 Yeah we are similar in some ways like we are enjoying life, we eat and we are both a masterpiece here on Earth.

According to the locals, although it never happened before, you have to be very careful of your belongings like your cellphone because they might grab it and steal them from you. But, no! These Goys are not so techy!

✌🏽Peace, ⚓️Hope, ❤️ Love