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RE: [EN-RU] The unobtrusive beauty of the Russian hinterland / Неброская красота русской глубинки
I really hope that you will show us the Indonesian sunsets @umarcivil . They must be incredibly beautiful :)
Just before sunset @bambuka

When the sun began to set.

At sunset.

This is a photo of me in the afternoon enjoying the beach atmosphere while waiting for the sun to set ...

Beautiful sunsets @umarcivil !
Thank you very much, I finally saw your sea. If I understand correctly, this is the coast of the Indian Ocean?
If you will, I will share one observation with you. In landscape photography, the horizon line plays an important role. In the photograph, it is important that it is strictly horizontal (unless the horizon is tilted specifically to achieve a visual effect). In this sense, the horizon line should be parallel to the horizontal frame. And vertical objects (if any) are parallel to the vertical side of the frame. Then the photo looks neat.
I just shared my experience.
Your photos could make a nice separate post. I understand you are focusing on macro right now and that's good. But you have cool landscapes and different objects that are also interesting.
It's true the Indian Ocean @bambuka, this is one of the seas that are in the Indian Ocean, more details about this place in Indonesia and more clearly in the Province of Aceh where I live.
How do you do @bambuka so that I can develop this observation in landscape photography with you?
Dear friend @umarcivil, if you have a desire to master landscape photography, you can ask me any questions about this topic.
I am not a professional in this business, but I have some practical experience. I could share my experience if someone needs it.
Do you have a camera with an optical lens or do you shoot with a smartphone camera?
What is your photography experience?
I have a desire to deepen my understanding of @bambuka landscape photography. Even if you say you are not a professional in this matter, your understanding and insight are more than mine, Thank you very much for your participation.
So far, I only use my cellphone camera to capture photos and other moments.
I have no experience in photography...
Ok @umarcivil I understand you
Your phone's camera is wide-angle. This means that it can cover a large width of the landscape. This is exactly what you need for landscape photography.
You don't have to worry about camera settings. It will adjust automatically. Your concern will be to choose your subject.
It is very good when objects that are near you, at an average distance and at the farthest distance, fall into your frame. This is called foreground, middle, and distant shots. If you succeed, the photo will look the most interesting. It will have depth, volume ..
Let's agree so. You find three photographs of a landscape with three plans on them, make a post and inform me about your post in some comment under one of my posts. Then I will not miss it. I'll try to analyze your photos. I will try to find strengths and possible mistakes. So gradually we will master landscape photography.
Dear friend @bambuka, whether the object being shot in this photo can be said to be the background of a remote object?
I still don't understand how to take the subject in order to produce a good background of the object.
Hi @umarcivil !
Saya menunjukkan tiga area di foto terakhir Anda.
Latar belakang ditunjukkan dengan angka 3. Inilah yang ada di garis horizon. Benda terjauh dari Anda.
2 adalah rencana rata-rata.
No 1 adalah rencana dekat, apa yang ada di sebelah Anda.
Sekarang Anda menembak melawan matahari. Matahari memberi banyak cahaya pada lensa kamera. Perangkat lunak pemrosesan ponsel cerdas Anda mencoba menyamakan iluminasi gambar. Oleh karena itu, semua objek lainnya (bidikan dekat dan tengah) gelap.
Cobalah memotret jauh dari matahari. Pohon dan benda lain yang diterangi matahari akan terlihat jauh lebih tajam.

Email saya dalam bahasa Indonesia asli saya. Ini akan membantu penerjemah menjadi lebih baik. Saya akan melanjutkan di komentar berikutnya.
Setel ponsel cerdas Anda untuk menampilkan mode kisi. Dalam tampilan ini, layar terbagi menjadi 9 kotak. Dua garis vertikal dan dua garis horizontal.
Saat memotret lanskap, coba tempatkan latar belakang di sepertiga atas kisi (kurang-lebih). Tempatkan denah tengah di lapisan tengah bingkai. Latar depan ada di paling bawah.
Kemudian Anda memiliki fotografi lanskap klasik.
Jangan memotret matahari itu sendiri. Terlalu terang untuk kamera ponsel cerdas Anda.