Travelling Madeira - Christiano Ronaldo Museum - A Visual Story Part 2 (25 Photos)
Bet everybody knows who is Crstiano Ronaldo. And this place is kind of mega ego booster. Just A LOT of various awards.. well deserved
Museum is too big for a single story, so lets continue walking around :)
Enjoy the visuals!
Category | Travel/Cityscape |
Camera | Canon 7DM2 / Tamron 18-400mm / Artificial light |

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@axeman hermosas fotografías, me recuerda cuando visité la CONMEBOL de Paraguay en Asunción, algo similar a lo que veo en estas fotografías. Saludos.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the real G.O.A.T, he deserved all this award. I hope one day we will meet

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