No time to die| Digital Painting 🖌️
Today I would like to show you my latest digital painting made with smartphone Android based painting application.
The reference picture I used here is of Daniel Craig from his movie calle No time to die from the James Bond series.
Enjoy the view....

Behind the scenes
First I made a basic sketch based on the reference on a layer and started giving the basic colours from face, body dress to background with different layers selected.

Finished the total basic layer of colours. Now I start to enhance the detailing on the facial region. Tried different colour scheme to create different depths and highs using different scales of same flat brush tool. Then I used the smudge tool blend between the colors.

Now moved into the clothing layers and started giving more dark colours and created shadows on it.

So that's how I created this small painting. I am calling this a small one because I made this on a small six
Sized canvas, which made the total painting of small size.
Hope you liked it. See you the next time...
Nice drawing and step by step!! 💙
You seem so active in this business 😉. All the best, and by the way I am so happy to see your comments
Very good digital drawing!! many successes