Art-venture Magazine No. 520 - Charlie Chaplin - club100
No. 520
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
Welcome to our Magazine and we are happy to show you our 10 Visual Art creators who we think deserve a bit of more attention.
The same time we wanted to share with you this old Video of Charlie Chaplin, that was done in 1940's despite of having the appearance of Hitler, his speech is about Humanity, Kindness and us, people why we do not help each other but hate and why we start wars instead of been creative.
Please take time and listen this video is available on many languages and when you listen to the words you think that he is telling that in our days knowing that there is once again war in Europe.
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Be creative and we will there to give you support and advise, with help of the Steemit team we are providing continuous support to Visual Art creator nominating them for @booming support. We thank @steemcurator01 account for supporting our curation and our Artists.
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really enjoyed revisiting The Great Dictator´s speech, so good!
Thank you Romanie, it was our pleasure to highlight it again and to remember simple things that we all have to strive to.
Thanks for sharing that wonderful Chaplin speech, I love his movies. This speech is great and unfortunately, it's still fully current. It would be great to find a way to display it to the Russian soldiers on a giant screen like in the movie "V for Vendetta".
Geraldine Chaplin, Chaplin's daughter, is also a wonderful actress. Excellent performance in "Cria Cuervos" ("Raise Ravens" UK) - 1976. directed by Carlos Saura.
Of course, very nice selection as always!
Time to time we have to be reminded of such wonderful great moments, of people who have a meaning in history and telling the truth directly for everyone, to make them all to think what they are doing and why we are all human here, really not for destruction of our own species but preserve.
I have not seen that movie with Geraldine Chaplin, but we may download and watch, thanks for tip :)
Greetings friends! I did not know this deep and great speech of the actor Charlie. Very realistic and still valid, I liked it and it touched my heart, unfortunately the world needs love and less war.
Thank you to all friends for sharing your works of art, success for each of you.
I am glad that some of Actors not only play but act as real examples not worrying about if that will damage their carrier or put some people off. That is a truth and we all should be listening to those voices.
Excellent actor and excellent speech. Dictators really enslave the people. They only think about their interests and treat people like cattle. Dictators are moved by greed and we don't care about pain, suffering or wars. The world would be better without these men who don't have an iota of kindness.
Sometimes I think that Power spoils people too, the more they have the more they want. Thank you for your feedback.
That's right, they take anyone ahead to get it all.
Hello friends of art-venture. Thank you for sharing Charlie Chaplin's speech, I am impressed with his words and so much truth in just a few minutes. He was very brave to make that speech in the middle of World War II. His words were very accurate for that time, and they still remain and are related to the unfortunate situation in Ukraine. Thanks for sharing this, I'm sure it will make many think.
Congratulations to all the artists of the magazine!
Thank you very much for the support and your curation work !
You are welcome, it was not possible to leave this work off :)
thanks for the support you are the best on #steemit
You are welcome, we are trying to be here and help our Visual Art creators :)
Development of the Avatar idea))

Great idea!
Yes, looks so light weightless, nice :)
А с другой стороны, мой дом - моя крепость))