Art-venture Magazine No. 426

No. 426
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
Welcome to our Magazine and we are back with 10 awesome work that we once again would like to present you and give htem a chance to be seen by majority of the users.
On and off we see the accounts that re-start posting. This time we would like to draw your attention to Mike Pedro or @mikepedro who is an Artist from Australia who we asume was very busy and that was a reason behind of his absence. He also a co-founder of "Headless Nation" if you visit his blog you will know what I am talking about. We hope that Mike will stay active and share his creative works.
Another Artist who on and off posting his unique metal sculptures is Tim Roosen from Belgium, @timroosen.
There are many others who we think deserve your attention that is why they are in our Magazine.
Today's selected Artist

our Supporters

I love "Budgie" by @summonerrk :)
thanks :)
Yes, he created great watercolour work :)
Thanks for the mention!
You are welcome, Ruslan :)
Thanks for a Label! Wow! :)
Nice piece of art. Kudos
Thank you :)
Hermosas obras de arte, excelente.
Thank you for nice feedback and for viewing :)
Como es habitual una selección de calidad @art-venture..
Felicitaciones a todos..
Thank you Jose for stopping by and glad to hear such wonderful words :)
It has been a pleasure @ art-venture, it is worth recognizing the work you do every week, highlighting and supporting all of us who make life in the Community.