Art-Venture Magazine No. 406 and 5 Steem Giveaway to the selected Artists!

No. 406
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
We are back with our Holiday selection. While searching through Steem we on and off see very interesting posts and interesting personalities we are happy to support you with our advises with the hope that you also like us learn different people, visit their blogs and maybe become good friends for long time.
Despite of summer and despite of being on Holiday we can't see that many creative people receive so little attention therefore, for us if we can we are voting you and doing this Magazine so that we can cheers you up with spreading 5 Steem to each displayed Artist.
If you like the posts that we present please let the users know about. We are able to support some of you with @art-venture nomination for @booming support that is kindly provided by the Steemit team and @steemcurator01 who may visit you if you are posting #steemexclusive
Today's selected Artist

our Supporters

Hi Art-Venture! Thank you so much 😄
I love all the drawings! ❤️ Congratulations.
Felicidades amiga quedó genial tu dibujo saludos.
50 Steem been transferred to selected Artists:
Thanks @art-venture!
Thank you so much @art-venture
Babies feel more comfort in the mother arms.
Thank you very much!!!
Thanks @art-venture :) Cheers :)
Thank you so much for including me. @idyharrison that portrait is amazing. The detail in the hair had my jaw on the ground.
Thank you @davekavanagh
You're very welcome, work like that deserves a compliment!
Thanks a lot for including me!! 😊
Hola art-venture. Excelentes trabajos presentados por todos los participantes y felicitaciones a los ganadores del reto. Trabajos de primera. Saludos y que continúen los éxitos.
#onepercent #venezuela #affable
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Babies feel more comfort in the mother arms.
Thank you for your constant support @art-venture team.