Landscapes with pitas - Paisajes con pitas

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago




A characteristic feature of the arid landscape of Cabo de Gata, in the south of Almería, is the pita plant, also known as the yellow agave. However, it is not native to the Iberian Peninsula but originates from Mexico. Thanks to its remarkable adaptability and resistance to extreme conditions, this plant has successfully acclimatized to the particularly dry Mediterranean climate of the southeastern of the Peninsula. The sparse vegetation of the Almerían desert makes these plants stand out on the horizon, and that is what I aimed to capture in these small watercolors.


Características del paisaje árido del Cabo de Gata, en el sur de Almería, son las pitas, conocidas también como agaves amarillos. Sin embargo, no son oriundas de la península Ibérica, sino que proceden de México. Pero gracias a su gran adaptabilidad y resistencia a condiciones extremas, estas plantas se han aclimatado perfectamente al clima mediterráneo, particularmente seco, del sureste peninsular. La escasa vegetación del desierto almeriense hace que la presencia de estas plantas destaque sobre el horizonte, y eso es lo que yo quise plasmar en estas acuarelitas.



Hi @arcoiris good work that you present us, the painting is great, the colors, the details, the blurring, no doubt you have a great technique. And also you bring us important information about the place. I don't know it, I have never visited Mexico but surely it is very nice. Greetings!