The Mysterious Castle

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

Hello friends!!!
This lock is beautiful both in color and B/W versions. I will surprise many, but this is not France or Germany. And the castle stands 800 kilometers from Moscow in the east. Are you surprised? So I was surprised and glad that I was lucky enough to see him. I want to keep the intrigue alive and won't describe it in detail. I wonder if anyone has ever heard of it before or seen it at least on the Internet? I hope that my post will sow a seed of curiosity among you. And in the next few days I will write a detailed post with lots of photos. It is truly unique in its architecture and location. It's like he was transported from the Middle Ages and Disney cartoons to the depths of Russia))
Which option did you like better , colored or black?

Привет друзья!!!
Этот замок прекрасен и в цветном варианте и ч/б варианте. Я удивлю многих , но это не Франция или Германия. А замок стоит в 800 километрах от Москвы на востоке. Вы удивлены? Вот и я был удивлен и рад, что посчастливилось его увидеть. Я хочу сохранить интригу и не буду его подробно описывать. Мне интересно, кто-нибудь слышал раньше о нем или видел хотя бы в интернете? Надеюсь, что мой пост посеять зерно любопытства у вас. А в ближайшие дни я напишу подробный пост с множеством фотографий. Он действительно уникальный по своей архитектуре и местоположению. Будто из средневековья и диснеевских мультфильмов его перенесли в глубины России))
А вам какой вариант больше понравился , цветной или ч\б ?



 2 months ago 

How beautiful is your description of this place that seems to have emerged from the lines of history to take us on a journey between the ages sometimes beauty lies in unexpected places, like a message from time telling us that there are secrets and dreams hidden away from the usual routes.

The palace I described is not just a stone building, but a story etched in time, witnessing the passage of generations in colours: Black and white photographs have different meanings: The first highlights life and details and the second reveals the soul and essence, as if we are looking at the essence of things, when we turn a blind eye to the colours.

I believe that true fine art lies in how we look at the things. It is not important which one we prefer. So but what we see inside when we look at it talking about fellings.

I eagerly await your next post to delve deeper into the magic of this unique place.

So beautiful. I will make a drawing of this with my charcoal pencils

Thank you very much! I will continue to describe this castle soon and tell you about its history)

Personally, I think in both the castle looks very beautiful and mysterious. It reminds me of the movie "Crimson Peak". I wonder how looks from the inside.

Hugs and greetings, @alexey1976!

Oh, I need to watch the movie Crimson Peak. And no one knows what the castle looks like inside. No one is allowed inside while finishing work is underway.