God Works in Mysterious Ways ❤️

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

My Muffin💕

Cat Crazy Me:

Hello Everyone! I am a natureholic, crazy about cats and an ambitious art student, very new to the "World of Xpillars". Like I said, I am 'In Love with Cats', my post is all about the growing up stages of my teeny tiny, fourty five days old, adorable furrballs.


Week of Agony:

I had a pair of Persian felines about a few months ago. Sadly! my male Muffin fell from a six story building and died after a painful surgery and a week of agony. That is the one horrible week of my life I will never forget. I cuddled him, loved him and took care of him all I could but he was meant to leave us. I couldn't forget my Muffin even after a few weeks of his demise.

I Miss you Everyday Muff:(

God Works in Mysterious Ways:


It is well said that God works in mysterious ways. Muffin's female partner Misty was all we had and it came as a sudden but pleasant surprise when after a month of sadness we realised that she is pregnant with little Muffins in her tummy. Her baby bump was getting obvious every passing day. Finally, the night came when Misty couldn't stop meowing in pain. I sat with her and rubbed her body gently to soothe her. It was around 3'o clock in the morning when she gave birth to four little munchkins, two grey like their mama and two white as they were to becomes the doubles of our late Muffin.

Eat, Sleep ,Play & Repeat:

I named one after their daddy cat 'Muffin' and the rest are Oscar, Milo and Smokey. All these munchkins want is to Eat, Play, Sleep and Repeat. My husband ordered their scratching post cum playing area, and they spend a good part of time while they are awake around inside and on top of their scratching post.

Milo with His Favourite Ball

Spring Toy

Scratching post cum Play area

Food Intake:

I have slowly started giving them variety of liquid food rather than the typical kitten food that I stuck with my previous kitten pair. They are fond of cerelac in wheat flavour, rusk dipped in the tea, mashed potatoes, meat and what not 😂😂.
Oh and yeah, they also love to eat Sooper Biscuit.


Oh Yeah, They are Growing up ❤️

Myself and my husband are very busy to litter train them nowadays as their cool mom surprisingly does not seem interested in doing her job.
They are growing up, curious in finding every hidden corner of the house, busy in destroying all the leather shoes in the house and all the time meowing to seek attention and asking us to make them hop onto our bed.

Uff their love for leather boots 😃


All I can say is that these little peas have laid a big part in throwing away the depression and boredom of our everyday life, whenever I see them they are either sleeping with cuteness overloaded or refreshing my mood with their silly and mischievous gestures.

Do share your experiences about pets ..

Pictures Credit:

All of the pictures used in the blog are taken from my own phone 🤳


All creatures big🐘 and small.🐹

They are love ❤️

I didn't know cats can eat cerelac and mashed potatoes. Also, the playing post is so cool. Raising pets and raising own kids both seem equally demanding.

I have told my kids about your kittens. They are excited to meet them. Expect a random visit from us. 😁

Hahaha yes you're most welcome ❤️

I didn't know cats can eat cerelac and mashed potatoes

Thats the thing about cats. They eat what you feed them from the very start. When I had my first cat, I went all in on her, fed her only boneless chicken, the finest of cat food, boiled milk and whatnot. 4 years later she still demands on eating what she was made used to with.

On the other hand, the other cats that I have, I fed her basic food from the start, so they don't complain lmao.

These kitties are soo cute. I am also a huge lover of cats and have a lot of them at my place. Infact, a few months back I had 21 cats with me.

Recently, my cat gave birth. She had two kittens, one of them died a few hours later. I'm guessing it was a premature birth as it was comparatively very small and frail

AHH so sad for your loss.. I can imagine and feel the pain of seeing your pet dying .. 😣 These kitties are so so precious for us 🤩