The main conch shell of the lifestyle is Prakshalan.
Hello friends, you all know that the problem in life style is your stomach. In such a situation, what should you do, and all the process has been completed. Still we are stuck in our stomach problem, nowadays it is from small child to old person. According to the yogic, you can do conch prakshalana in purification activities. In this, your stomach and intestines are cleaned, as you can also see that water comes from above in the stomach. Moving in a circular motion, the water goes down. Similarly, the same process happens in humans, your stomach is not right. So you get many diseases.
Sharing my experience with you, you first need hot water. You can add salt and lemon in this, according to your wish. Then you have to sit in Kagasana, and drink 4 glasses of water from a glass. It depends on you how much water you need to drink. After some time you have to do something easy, the first asana is Tadasana. The second posture you have to do Katichkrasana, the third posture you have to do Bhujangasana and abdominal posture. All these asanas have to be done according to the sequence. You have to do this process till you have the desire to defecate. In this, the accumulated waste of the intestines of your body will come out, this action can be done once in a month. And after doing the kriya you do not have to sleep. This will make you stomach healthy. This procedure should be done according to the doctor. yoga makes us healthy.
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