Plant full sun, fertile, good water Allamanda cathartica.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

Mobile Photograhy

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you about a plant which is always seen in summer but flowers are not blooming in winter The structure of this plant is very good because I bought the plant from the nursery for only ₹ 20 and after bringing it, I planted it in a 16 inch pot After that I have seen that flowers started blooming on it. First one flower came, then after that 10:15 black flowers came and after 15, then 30, 35 and Kalyan came in which after one flower bloomed, it kept blooming for three to seven days.The special thing about this flower is that it does not break after drying. This blooming flower automatically breaks in the air and some rows of this flower always remain blooming.The height of the school plant can be from 1 foot to about 10 to 12 feet, depending on where you have planted this plant, if it is planted in a pot then it is two to three feet and if it is planted on the earth So you can find this flower in only one color which can grow up to 10 to 12 feet long. I have seen other colors as well but right now I have only one color.


The flowers of this plant are slightly yellow from inside and five rows of flowers bloom on one flower and all the five rows together make one flower and the structure of the plant is very beautiful which we can grow at home.can put This plant is considered poisonous but I don't know much about this plant yet but you should not try to eat it and it does not have any significant effect on skin contact so you can use it with hands.This plant is evergreen which is found in hardy areas. It has deep yellow, deep pink and deep red color. Its leaves are shiny green. It is a Brazilian plant but bees are always seen on it. Butterfly is also visible, along with this it works very well in decoration, the design of this plant is made in such a way that this plant looks different when kept in the house

Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera Devicenothing
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
I hope you like this.You are all welcome.

Your flower photography is so beautiful. Each flower is like a living picture. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful photography with us.

 2 months ago 

You are always welcome.

Thank you very much