Peanut seller with his child. (984 Days)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

Mobile Photograhy


Here everyone has to work hard to earn a living, only then God shows mercy on us Everyone knows what is karma but it is also important to get the fruits according to the karma, only then we can make our life better Nowadays you can see that every small person, even a small person works with his children. Whatever the type of work, he does not care, he only wants to expand his employment and support his family. The world teaches him that lifeHow can he move forward in his life? He has a lot to learn and he thinks about leaving the world behind but maybe he sometimes forgets that life itself gives him tough times as per his demands.

All the people in the world are same, we should just move forward with our thinking. I start by closing my office because I always have work and then I go to the shop, I work in a small shop.I meet the shopkeeper, he says sir you have come after a long time, I said it just doesn't take time, so he welcomes me with great respect, I said I want some peanuts, he says ₹ 35 I have power, I need 1 kg of peanuts, he said that it will be available for you for ₹130 sir I said you should tell that kid also starts breaking things and he is learning a lot because I have seen him working with his father This is a fruit which is always seen in winters, it starts in April and starts in the beginning of the month.

We start sowing peanuts in the months of April and May in which the temperature of the soil is very good and it grows well. The peanuts are buried 2 inches deep in proper quantity and covered with soil from above.A gives B more peanuts than his own B always keeps on increasing according to the yield C by having information we can get good profit but it all contributes to agricultural development There should be a correct way of sowing peanuts in which about 16 kg of peanuts can be used in one bigha and this peanut costs between 60 to 100 rupees per kg, due to which good seeds should always be 5 to 10 quintals in one bigha gives rise to the



Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera Devicenothing
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
I hope you like this.You are all welcome.
 2 months ago 

Thank you. Welcome @mrspointm