Weekly Contest. "Photographing Cathedral Church Week #1". /Concurso Semanal. "Fotografiando Iglesia Catedral, Semana #1".
In World Of Xpilar We continue in the task of promoting interesting and good quality content, therefore, in this opportunity, I am going to present a contest with which we seek to give prominence to those living beings that prowl our environment, giving us company and joy to our lives, according to my point of view it will be exciting and creative.
What is the contest about?.

The contest is about Photographing Cathedral Church, where we invite each of you, to share photographs of these religious temples that exist in our region, where you can show the exterior "and if possible" the interior of the temple, the size of the photographs you choose at your discretion, the important thing is to take quality photographs of this beautiful religious architecture and share them with us.
The contest does not end here, the participant must create a story about The Church or Temples where he/she shares with us sensations, anecdotes or importance that these sacred buildings offer or the experience he/she had during the moment he/she was taking the picture, the story must contain at least 50 words. Let's share excellent content through our presentations. I want original content.
The contest will have a total amount of 25 Steem to be distributed, thanks to the support of the friend @xpilar who always contributes with the events in World Of Xpilar. The awarding will be as follows:
1st Place: 8 Steem
2nd Place: 6 Steem
3rd Place: 4 Steem
4th Place: 2 Steem
5 Honorable Mentions: 1 Steem
You only need your creativity and imagination to develop a good photographic work, and by doing so, you will already be a winner, because you have created a 100% original work that will be a contribution to the platform.
I look forward to your participation, to make the community World Of Xpilar a space where love for animals is creatively promoted.
- Use the hashtag #WorldOfXpilar, #steemexclusive.
- Leave the link to the publication in the comments.
- Place a minimum of 3 photos about the church.
- The story must have 50 words minimum, to address the photographs.
- The contest will expire on November 10, 2021 at 17:00Hrs.
- Share your publication in one of the social networks of your preference.

Saludos mis estimados amigos.
En World Of Xpilar seguimos en la tarea de promover contenidos interesantes y de buena calidad, por ello, en esta oportunidad voy a presentarle un concurso con el cual buscamos darle protagonismo a esos seres vivos que merodean nuestro entorno, brindándonos compañía y alegría a nuestras vidas, según mi punto de vista será emocionante y creativo.
¿De qué trata el Concurso?.

El concurso trata sobre Fotografiando Iglesia Catedral, donde invitamos a cada uno de ustedes, compartir fotografías sobre estos templos religiosos que existen en nuestra región, donde podrán mostrar el exterior "y si es posible" el interior del templo, el tamaño de las fotografías lo escogen a su criterio, lo importante es tomar fotografías de calidad de ésta hermosa arquitectura religiosa y compartirlas con nosotros.
El concurso no acaba aquí, el participante debe crear un relato sobre La Iglesia o Templos donde comparta con nosotros sensaciones, anécdotas o importancia que brindan estas edificaciones sagradas o la experiencia que tuvo durante el momento en que tomaba la fotografía, el relato debe contener al menos 50 palabras. Compartamos excelentes contenidos a través de nuestras presentaciones. quiero un contenido original.
El concurso tendrá un monto total de 25 Steem a repartir, gracias al apoyo del amigo @xpilar quien siempre contribuye con los eventos en World Of Xpilar. La premiación será de la siguiente manera:
1er Lugar: 8 Steem
2do Lugar: 6 Steem
3er Lugar: 4 Steem
4to Lugar: 2 Steem
5 Menciones Honorificas: 1 Steem
Solo necesitan de su creatividad e imaginación para desarrollar un buen trabajo fotográfico, al hacerlo, ya serán un ganador, porque han creado un trabajo 100% original que será de aporte a la plataforma.
Espero su participación, para hacer que la comunidad World Of Xpilar sea un espacio donde se promueve creativamente el amor por los animales.
- Utiliza la etiqueta #World Of Xpilar, #steemexclusive.
- Deja el link de la publicación en los comentarios.
- Coloca mínimo 3 fotos sobre la iglesia.
- El relato debe poseer 50 palabras como mínimo, para abordar las fotografías.
- Evitar el plagio de contenido
- El concurso vencerá el 10 de Noviembre del 2021 a las 17:00Hrs.
- Comparte tu publicación en una de las redes sociales de su preferencia.

Compliance to #CLUB5050
Date | Transfer To Vesting (Steem) | Withdrawal (Steem) | Refund (Steem) |
04/10 to 04/11/2021 | 1280,257 | 1645,901 | 492,417 |
During October 05 and 06 I made some withdrawals that were later refunded through the exchange houses #huobi-withdrawal and #orinoco, as shown below.


Date | Transfer To Vesting (Steem) | Withdrawal (Steem) | % de Inversión |
04/10 to 04/11/2021 | 1280,257 | 1153,484 | 52,60% |
World Of Xpilar

#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem
This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List
👉 Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 05th November 2021 – Win 2950+ STEEM
Follow & Resteem for more updates.
Thank you for your support.
You are welcome @adeljose ❤️
Many successes for your contest!
Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail
https://steemit.com/~witnesses vote xpilar.witness
Hola chicos, es un gusto participar, por aquí dejo mi entrada: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@steem-venera/weekly-contest-photographing-cathedral-church-week-1-concurso-semanal-fotografiando-iglesia-catedral-semana-1-san-martin-de
Thank you for your entry to the contest.
Participant #1
The International Sanctuary of Jesus the Saviour and Mother Mary, Elele, Nigeria.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.
Participant #2
Thank you
Hola chicos, es un gusto participar, por aquí dejo mi entrada:
Gracias por su entrada al concurso.
Participante #3
Good morning @adeljose,
this is my entry:
Sant Jordi Church
Gracias por su entrada al concurso.
Participante #15
Hola @adeljose, esta es mi participación en el concurso "catedrales"
Enlace a la entrada original Catedral de Frankfurt
Gracias por su entrada al concurso.
Participante #5
Muchas gracias @adeljose por la inclusión.
Pero te ruego retires mi candidatura del concurso. Estoy de acuerdo con @steem-venera y no quiero ser parte de un concurso en el que uno de los moderadores de la comunidad participa.
Thank you very much @adeljose for the inclusion.
But please withdraw my nomination from the contest. I agree with @steem-venera and I don't want to be part of a contest in which one of the moderators of the community takes part.
Buenas estimados amigo, les presento la iglesia de mi pueblo natal.
Gracias por su entrada al concurso.
Participante #4
Here we go
I don't know exactly. But my opinion is that the moderator should not participate in the competition. It's like I posted a post for the competitionsteem-venera (68)💬 Top Commenter 4 дня назад
Thank you very much @xpilar for that wonderful mention .
Today I'm going to nominate post. https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@adi.pisces/new-contest-super-macrophotography-or-week-7-or-little-orange-mushroom-or-in-the-world-of-xpilar-community-or-100-power-up-or-29
$0.00Ответить Редактировать Удалить
[-]steem-venera (68)💬 Top Commenter 4 дня назад
Я не знаю пройдёт моя номинация или нет. Просто когда я выдвинул кандидатуру. После меня за этот пост проголосовал hingsten. Я просто хотел спросить. Могу я изменить кандидатуру или оставить как есть.
I don't know if my nomination will pass or not. Just when I came forward. After me this post was voted on by hingsten. I just wanted to ask. Can I change the candidacy or leave it as it is.
$0.00Ответить Редактировать
[-]xpilar (78)ADMINWOX 3 дня назад
Hi @steem-venera
@adi.pisces is in my dolphin program
So you can choose another post if you manage to find one before I make my choices now
Я просто считаю , что модератор не может учавствавоть в конкурсе. Получается развод. И тогда зачем нужны эти конкурсы?
A prichem tut moderatorstvo i moe uchastie kak pro-fotografa (shto ya kstati ochen redko delayu na samom dele)?
Vobschem, pozdravliayu s pobedoy i s tem shto moy post nebyl upomyanut sovsem
adeljose explained everything to me. Thanks for the compliments.
A very interesting competition. Thanks for your work.