WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 9 - Healthy Game - Day 1 - Reward Pool 50 STEEM - The Best Natural Recipe For Feeding The Brain by @danie2funny

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone. Firstly i want to thank my able moderators @dobartim @tatjanastan @enveng for considering my post in last week's contest as the 2nd winning post. I promise to keep contributing positively to the health republic community and regularly post good and educative contents for the betterment of the community at large...

Coming to the week's topic before we get to the recipe part we need to get more enlightened about THE BRAIN, IT'S FUCTIONS, FOODS THAT BOOSTS THE BRAIN AND FINALLY,THE BEST NATURAL RECIPE FOR FEEDING THE BRAIN AND REASONS WHY WE NEED TO FEED OUR BRAIN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Now let's kick off.


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

The brain is arguably the largest and IS the most complex organ in the human body. It consists of billions of cells and communicate to trillions of connections in the body called synapses. Its serves as the central nervous system in all animals. Our brain plays the most important role in the body. It's is the main controller of every function the human body. It's like the batteries of a car or any device at all. Without the batteries the device is utterly useless and that's why just as we take care of our voice for singers, muscles for models we all must also learn how to care for the brain because its a very vital part of the body. A human being or any other mammal can cope a while with some health problems in any part of the body but once the brain is involved, even in the slightest ways, it affects the behavior of the individual.


Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

The brain is the sole conductor of the activities in the human body and it does way alot of work in regulating the organs of the body. The brain is divided into 3 functional parts called lobes. these lobes and the functions of the body they regulate are as follows;

*handles attention and concentration
*regulates self monitoring
*organization and speaking
*solving problems etc

*regulates sense of touch
*regulates spatial perception
*recognition of sizes shapes and colors
*regulates visual perception etc


  • regulates the cycle of sleeping and waking up
    *regulates heart rate
    *regulates breathing
    *regulates arousal and consciousness
    *regulates heart rate. etc

*understanding language
*organization and hearing
*sequencing etc

*balance and cordination
*regulates skilled motor activities

*regulates vision


The brain as the control center of the body is in charge of keeping the heart beating, lungs breathing, movement and ability to move and think. 60% of the human brain is made of fats mainly the omega-3 fatty acids, which means for a food to be classified as a brain boosting food it needs to have a significant amount of the omega-3 fatty acids and Some these brain foods include
*fatty fish
*blue berries
*dark chocolates
*pumpkin seeds
*green tea
Of all these foods listed above, the nuts and fatty fish got more omega-3 fatty acids in significantly higher proportion than others. And when it comes to nuts, the walnut seems to be topping the list. according to researches on brain foods, walnuts are very rich in alpha-linolenic acids (omega-3 fatty acids). they also contain more polyphenolic compounds than any other type of nuts and both omega-3 acids and polyphenols are critical brain foods.


Alright.... coming down to today's topic, i'll be sharing with us all a super duper, yummy, nutritious and delicious drink you can make with walnuts. its tasty and 100% recommended for your body and brain health. it's called The Super Green Walnut Mankai Smoothie and it's a good recipe and very easy to prepare.. LET'S GET MIXING!!!


*1 cup of lightly packed baby spinach

*3/4 unsweetened plant based milk of any choice

*1/2 or 1 cup frozen pineapple based on intended quantity

*1/2 or 1 cup California Walnuts based on intended quantity

*1 tablespoon smoothly grated (or chopped) fresh ginger

*2 teaspoons honey or more based on taste choice

*2 frozen Mankai cubes

*1 ripe banana (preferably 60kg)

*Pinch of cinnamon or more based on intended quantity and taste

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until very smooth and thick enough according to choice.

Image link https://images.app.goo.gl/NdrxFXhbxhwJwmRt8

I had to get this picture online because i am not in a place where i can prepare this recipe right now, and time is of essence in this contest. But i hope you learnt something???

Thank you once again @dobartim @tatjanastan @enveng for this opportunity


Your post is Commendable, I hope that this time too your name will be in the list of winners. :)

Wow... That's so encouraging coming from you @ayeshagul thanks for reading