HEALTH TODAY!!! 4 foods recommended for you to keep your brain healthy and sound.

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

The role our brain plays in our body system cant be over emphasized. The brain is the chief controller of every function the human body. It's like the batteries of a remote control or any device at all. Without the batteries the device is utterly useless and that's why just as we take care of our voice for singers, muscles for models we all must also learn how to care for the brain because its the most important part of the body. A human being can cope a while with some health problems in just any part of the body but once the brain is affected, even in the smallest ways, it affects the behavior of the individual.

Image by Pete 😀 from Pixabay

The brain regulates or controls our speech, thoughts, memory, movements both conscious and unconscious such as in our dreams and sleep, its controls the functions of many organs in our body and lots more.
Some brain defects include;
*blood clots
*brain tissue bruising
*cerebral edema
*concussions, etc.

The lifestyle we choose to live can either damage our brain or improve our the health status of our brain. That's why in the article of today i'll be sharing with us 4 foods we should consider eating more often to improve the health of our brain.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Green leafy vegetables are very essential to the brain and body because they contain vitamins and minerals that aid in managing stress which makes the central nervous system work properly. examples of good vegetables or some of the regular ones we know already like; onions, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, green leaves, cabbage, garlic etc.


Image by Devon Breen from Pixabay
Fruits go in hand with vegetables and people who eat fruits regularly as part of their diet planare likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases and a much more healthier brain. Fruits are good but there are some fruits that specifically work more on the brain than our bodies in general. Examples of them include
*pumpkin seeds
*soursop etc


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
Nuts are great for the brain, especially they contain some brain boosting nutrients such as vitamin E, healthy fats and plant compound. An adequate intake of vitamin E helps in reducing coignative decline especially in adults and elderly individuals. And the highest of these nuts according to research is the walnut because they have a significantly high concentration of Omega-3 Fatty acids. some other nuts include
*almond and hazelnuts
*cashew nuts


Image by photosforyou from Pixabay
Speaking of brain foods??? Fatty fish seems to be topping this list. 60% of the human brain is made of fats mainly the omega 3 . And fishes under this category are mainly the
*and sardines
these fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and regular consumption of them would keep the brain healthy, strong and active. And remember that the care of the brain comes first.

Thank you for reading today's article on HEALTH TODAY. Stay healthy! Cheers!!

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