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RE: DiGinnasio | The Gender Debate: Evolution or Subversion?

in Italy2 months ago

Oh my. I'm not sure we want to discuss this... I'll start and we'll see how it feels?

You ask (e.g. me ;-)) how many genders there are.

I answer: as the case may be. Namely whether it's about biological or sociological genders. Yes, there is a difference. It's easier with the biological assignment: male or female. Or...? What about hermaphodites?
What about sexlessness? So two plus...?

Sociologically, it's more complicated. And this has nothing to do with moral neglect; values and value systems develop and change. Not so long ago, for example, it was impossible and despicable for a couple to live together unmarried. A child from such a union... Bastard or banker are not nice words! Well, in some parts of the world this is still the case today. Patriarchy has imposed bizarre norms of behaviour. Generations have always rebelled against social expectations and set new standards, created new freedoms and also new conventions.

So how many sociological genders are there? I have no idea. A lot.

Does society have to take the individual into consideration and adapt? No. But it must remain tolerant and accept otherness. No more, no less.

 2 months ago 

I'm not sure we want to discuss this

I'm not sure either but...okay😅

Hermaphrodites…Yes, I failed to consider this. Sexlessness as well. These are special or rare cases and honestly, I do not know how to approach this. Perhaps they’re an exception to this? They can choose. No issue there.

Sociologically, it's more complicated. And this has nothing to do with moral neglect

Learned morals and shared values serve as a guide and help us grow into well-rounded individuals. They directly influence our mindset (or worldview?) and behaviour. So, I believe this must be part of the equation. Imagine a society where its basic unit, the family, consists of individuals with deteriorating values and a lack of morality – what would that picture look like?

; values and value systems develop and change.

Every change has a cause. So, what fueled this one? The mind can be influenced and altered by what you feed it – it shapes your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Patriarchy has imposed bizarre norms of behaviour

While this may be true, what about feminism? I believe both can be destructive if taken to an extreme.

Sociological genders? I had no idea such a thing existed. Perhaps they do, but to me, they're like imaginary numbers in math – they don’t seem to hold weight in reality…

Does society have to take the individual into consideration and adapt? No. But it must remain tolerant and accept otherness. No more, no less.

Yes, to some extent. Unless they start imposing – which, by the way, is already happening. This leads to division and strife. How can we begin to accept them if they can't even accept themselves?

The family as the basic building block of society... I dare to doubt that. The ‘family’ is a social construct. Linked to the associated norms, values and role attributions.

This also exists to a large extent in the animal kingdom. Brood care, hunting and food procurement, protection,... One of the things that characterises us as humans is that we have the freedom to choose how we want to live. In which social contexts we feel comfortable, which community is the right one for us. As different as people are, there are also different models (in which family only plays a partial role).

Of course you're right, I only mentioned patriarchy as a particularly bad example. You counter with feminism (the direct counterpart would be a matriarchy - and there is little real experience of that... ;-)) Feminism was a good thing when it laid the foundation for bringing women out of insignificance. As soon as it goes overboard, it turns negative...

And of course we are influenced in our value system - by upbringing, environment, education, experience,... Please never forget that we are not helplessly exposed to all this, but can (and should) reflect on it and generate our own path from it. We are individuals. The idea of society is to serve individuals, to make their lives easier, to open up opportunities - not the other way round.

 2 months ago 

Apologies for the delay...I spent my evening reading your 1st compilation for steem atlas. I basically read them all and also, because I wanted to understand you better. The pictures were beautiful as is but your literary touch made them even more inviting. They’re quite fascinating, especially the ones with horses…Anyway, where were we? 😄

Family is a social construct...this baffles me. While I disagree, I want to understand. So, you mean the phrase 'blood is thicker than water' isn't always true - that relationships can sometimes extend beyond genetics…? Am I understanding you correctly?

Family is a physical reality. Yes, you are right that role models can come from outside the family, but I believe the family plays a foundational role – it’s where we first learn the ABCs of morality, values, decent behaviour, the proper perspectives etc…

You are right – matriarchy indeed. I have no issue with it (and I assume you don't either?) which is why I brought up feminism instead

Of course, we are not helplessly exposed to all of them, by "we," I mean us as thinking individuals. But what about young minds whose brains are still developing, or even those with fully developed brains who lack the capacity to think for themselves?

I'm a bit confused. Society is made up of individuals and groups (e.g., family, church, etc.). If we, as individuals, don't act right, how can society, which is technically 'us,' function in a way that truly serves us as individuals?

No need to apologise ;-))

Perfectly understood: I see family as possibly helpful and valuable, but not mandatory. Personally, I completely broke off contact with my family of origin when I was 16 and I attach great importance to the fact that I have not adopted any of the so-called values from there. Yes, personal experience is a bitter pill that perhaps clouds the overall picture ;-)) I also know families in which things are quite different, namely excellent.

And you're right: a society can only ever be as good as the totality of its individual parts. We are currently experiencing that personal responsibility is being largely discarded and placed in the hands of the social construct ‘state’. What is it supposed to do there? Nobody but ourselves is responsible for our well-being. The state, society, can help out if we end up in a dead end. But the responsibility lies with us! The world isn't just made up of dead ends - but that's how we like to communicate it. I don't yet fully understand in whose best interests this is supposed to be. But if I were to make assumptions, I'm sure someone would call me a conspiracy theorist ;-))

 2 months ago 

Now I understand. Thank you for sharing those details. I realize now that I was wrong to hastily conclude that family plays a vital role just because it worked in my case - I hadn’t truly considered other possibilities.

And you’re absolutely right - ultimately, we are the only ones accountable for ourselves.

I suppose our discussion has come to an end, but I’m grateful to have been on the receiving end of your wisdom. 😊

Bastards... Jesus was one, no one complains about this fact. 🤔

I am afraid you cannot force people to accept everything but tolerate is a good start. If it comes to it why care who loves or likes whom or what
when as long as it harms no one children included?

