Winners Writing course-Lesson 2

in Italy6 months ago

Con la presente vorrei ringraziare la Comunità Italiana per il suo aiuto con #wewrite02


Dear Reader,

In Lesson 2 of #we-write, we paid attention to commenting in 3 different communities (the Newcomers Community, CCS and Italy).
Task 2 was writing a post about the experiences of commenting and the last task was a fun contest in Italy community where a picture should be created with a given prompt.


Task 1 - Commenting

  • Some wrote their comment as a questionnaire which they answered. This is not what a comment should look like and it isn't directed to the author. It's clear why no reply was given.
  • Although some were lucky to receive an engaging reply this was by far not the minority.
  • Advice and good tips were given and not only to newcomers.
  • Comments were given but the author did not always receive an upvote. We did an extra round to check this and point it out.
  • We acted as istock and Google Pictures were used.
  • Repeating the same sentences or words to make a comment look longer was used by a few.

Task 2

  • Short or long all posts were good, everyone added the links and mentioned what they learned, and a part mentioned that they liked vommenting/the engagement and will invest more time in it.
  • The Newcomers Community is mentioned as the one where more help is needed as is offered.

Task 3- Generate a picture with AI
use the prompt mentioned in The Digital Italian Magazine.

  • Not everyone used the prompt as instructed
  • The entries were diverse and at times funny.
  • Last night @mikitaly and I worked through the last entries.

The main reasons why fewer points are given are: not reading/misunderstanding the task, ignoring the hashtags and the choice of the title.

Note: A few asked if they can join Lesson 3 and do Lessons 1 and 2 at the same time to catch up. The answer is yes. You can tag me but keep in mind that my time is limited and those following Lesson 3 will go first.

The Winners

The winners were calculated by adding up the points obtained in tasks 2 and 3. In addition, the comments were reviewed.

Note: From Lesson 3, participants who do not use the correct hashtags or title (see the report) will not be able to win; this regardless of the total points earned.

#1 @joslud - 22 points - all comments are good

Crea un Immagine/

#2 @casv - 21 points - good comments

Mi holgazán Favorito

#3 @marito74 - 20 points - good comments

Tarea 3. Curso de Escritura

#4 @jiva34 - 19 points - good comments

Laze Around Dog Daze

#5 @yacksylondon - 18 points - good comments

Vagueando por las calles...


@inspiracion @yancar


Gracias equipo,
Un honor y felicidades a @casv @marito74 @jiva34 y @yacksylondon

Avevo dimenticato quanto sia divertente competere con spirito di amore e apprezzamento per gli altri.

Felicidades para ti también, muchas bendiciones...

Gracias ,un gusto compartir podio con ustedes 🤗

Muchas gracias. Saludos.

Felicidades a los ganadores, la verdad fueron tareas combinadas y poco a poco voy aprendiendo a seguir las reglas, al principio me parecía más complicado porque me gusta el estilo libre, pero entiendo que cuando se dicta un taller debemos cumplir normas a la hora de realizar las tareas encomendadas. ¡Lo seguiré intentando! Gracias @wakeupkitty es un gran trabajo revisar todo el material y valorarlo.

El freestyle es genial y estoy aquí contigo pero lo básico debería pensarse porque este curso debería ser para todos. Als es bueno para es los expertos para hacer unos pasos atrás y preguntar lo que vemos y sentimos. Por supuesto, esto está involucrado en lo que escribimos, pero explicarlo de una manera diferente y algo que se hace en la escritura de guiones, pero también se utiliza para la publicidad. El equipo de steemit establece las reglas que hay que comprobar, así que tenemos que seguirlas en cierto modo. Esto hace que sea más difícil recompensar sólo la entrada/palabra escrita, pero creo que en general todos los que se unen hacen un gran trabajo y los mensajes son diversos, increíble aunque todos trabajamos con el mismo objetivo. Una mejora y una gran victoria sería si se mejoraran los títulos, la forma en que comienzan los mensajes y se utilizaran hashtags. Seguro que esto marcaría una gran diferencia entre los mensajes actuales y si los hashtags se utilizan de la manera correcta, lo que has escrito tiene muchas más posibilidades de ser encontrado.

Feliz escritura y es genial escuchar tus experiencias.

Aprecio muchísimo tu dedicación y estos comentarios tan enriquecedores. Hasta ahora no había comprendido la interacción que podía generar un comentario acertado. A partir del curso lo estoy comprobando en la práctica.
Gracias @wakeupkitty, estás haciendo una gran labor en Steemit.

Felicidades a los ganadores.
Lo hicieron bien.

Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

Congratulations to the winners, y'all deserve it.

Hi @wakeupkitty, i hope you're doing good, want to ask; what's the winning criteria?

The winning criteria are mentioned in the pist where the winners are announced:
Points of all the tasks. In Lesson 2 the total of task 2 + task 3 was calculated to find the 12 best. Next the comments of these 12 were checked to see what they looked like in average (if a response was received was not taken into account). The result is the outcome of the 5 winners.

From lesson 3 on the points given + comments but also using the right hashtags, posting in the right community and title will be part of the criteria because if this is ignored a higher score can still be achieved.

Anyway, i don't want to question my teacher decision, we go again this week.

Good morning from here.

This is better than a university education... loving it.

You made me smile! Thanks for saying this and I hope you will keep enjoying it and find your way on Steemit. There's a lot to see and do and with a group it's easier than alone.

A plus here is that you can benefit from it at once and we can practice it at once unlike what is taught by a university education.

Happy writing dear friend. You have a lot to offer to Steemit.


What a nice news, thank you very much, congratulations to the rest of the winners, a hug. We continue with the next tasks 🤗.

Congrats to you! 🥳

Kopie van #comment - cat read and support.jpg


Congratulations to all participants and contest winners.
It was a great experience and I hope it can be repeated in the future in our community.😜👍

Of course it can also within the own community. You could ask some #wewrite participants to shake and wake up the place.
Commenting can be learned. It's impossible to do it 24/7 unless you do not write pists but we all could make a habit out of leaving 3 comments behind daily (or if we post). It must be possible to write at least 2 or 3 longer, good ones per week but I don't see it if I check the "comments" of accounts.
So a next round and rounds till the end are needed to make a habit out of it and improve skills but also to get a thicker skin because if only 1 out of 12 answers it doesn't motivate to keep commenting.

Start commenting and replying and thanks agsin for all your help.

True, it would be enough for each of us to take a few minutes to leave at least 3/4 comments a day.
But it's also true that we get discouraged if nobody replies.

I don't understand those users who just post and underneath their messages there is never a comment!
Of course there isn't, because he's obviously the first to not comment on other people's posts.
But users must understand that comments are the fuel of Steemit's engine.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

Muchas gracias, fue un arduo trabajo pero valió la pena, muy feliz por mi mención... Saludos...

Muchas gracias por permitir estar allí, es un honor compartir ese podio con @joslup @marito74 @jiva34 y @yacksylondon a quienes extiendo un gran abrazo de feliitaciones.

¡Feliz tarde!

Gracias amigo 🤗feliz inicio de semana.

Muchas gracias, igual para tii...